• Can Donald Trump Really Pardon Himself?

    The election may be over, but Donald Trump is refusing to concede to President-elect Joe Biden. Trump has opened investigations into voter fraud and has declared himself the rightful victor, tweeting "I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!" on November 7.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Why Doug Emhoff Is Leaving His Law Firm

    Doug Emhoff, the soon-to-be second gentleman of the United States, is prepared to dedicate himself completely to his new position. Emhoff, an attorney, won over many people on the campaign trail where he supported his wife, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Dr. Fauci Has To Say About The COVID-19 Vaccine

    The exciting news that a COVID-19 vaccine has performed well in trials has the nation feeling more optimistic about the future. The vaccine, given in two doses, three weeks apart is 90 percent effective. And for his part, Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN of the breakthrough, "It's extraordinary."

    By Melissa Willets Read More
  • Dan Quayle Has Some Advice For Donald Trump After His Defeat

    Dan Quayle knows a thing or two about being a one-term elected official. After all, he served under George H.W. Bush, who lost to Bill Clinton after four years in office. And given the battles we're now seeing in Washington DC, he says there are some things President Donald Trump need to accept.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Stephen King Has A Harsh Message For Donald Trump After His Loss

    As the man behind horror icons like Pennywise the Clown and Cujo, we suspect Stephen King knows a thing or two about scary scenarios. On Nov. 1, Stephen King declared on social media, "I'm off Twitter until after the election." But he came back with a vengeance after Trump's loss.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Kamala Harris Sent A Powerful Message With Her White Suit

    Kamala Harris' victory speech was empowering in more ways than one. Not only did she deliver an uplifting message, but she also sent a powerful message with her outfit. We're used to seeing the soon-to-be VP in dark colors, but Harris wore a white suit with a white blouse to give the speech.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Fox News Anchor's Hilarious Reaction Caught On Camera

    Anchoring a live news show can be a difficult task. Between checking the script, managing feedback from producers behind the camera, and listening to their guests, there are plenty of opportunities for reporters to reveal something accidentally.

    By Erin Fenton Read More
  • The Surprising Reason Dr. Fauci Had A Zoom Call With Kim Kardashian West

    Posting about her lavish 40th birthday party amid a global pandemic may have been ill-advised, but Kim Kardashian's behind-the-scenes involvement in organizing A-list influencers to fight COVID-19 has come to light. Here's the surprising reason Dr. Fauci had a Zoom call with Kim Kardashian West.

    By Gabrielle Gayagoy Gonzalez Read More
  • Another Member Of Trump's Cabinet Just Tested Positive For COVID-19

    If you're already looking forward to a future when the news cycle won't be filled with COVID-19 and the Trump administration, that day is not today. Ben Carson, the Housing and Urban Development Secretary, has contracted COVID-19 after attending an indoor election-night party at the White House.

    By Audrey Michels Read More
  • Michelle Obama Shared A Powerful Message After Joe Biden's Victory

    Michelle Obama expressed her joy over Biden's win in a powerful Twitter thread. I'm beyond thrilled that my friend @JoeBiden and our first Black and Indian-American woman Vice President, @KamalaHarris, are headed to restore some dignity, competence, and heart at the White House," she wrote.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Mary Trump Warns Of 'Meltdowns' In The White House

    Aside from a news conference on November 6, and two weekend rounds of golf at the course that carries his name, we haven't really seen very much of President Donald Trump. But his niece Mary Trump is warning that just because things are quiet doesn't mean they are heading in a positive direction.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Why Joe Biden's Hat Is Causing Such A Stir

    Dr. Jill Biden is known to be a jokester, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that when she posted a glowing, happy photo of the President-elect and herself with the caption, "He will be a President for all our families," a few interesting details that caught social media's eye.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • George W. Bush Turns Heads With His Call To President-Elect Biden

    There may be no sign that Donald Trump wants to concede the election, but there are signs that the Republican party is ready to work with President-elect Joe Biden. The day after Biden was named winner in the 2020-polls-that-took-forever, 43 released a statement saying he had called the incoming 46.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Here's How Much Joe Biden Will Make As President

    President-elect Joe Biden is headed to the White House — for the second time. Joe Biden's political career has significantly boosted his financial status, and it's only going to grow as he moves into the presidency. Here's how much money Joe Biden will make as president.

    By Catherine Santino Read More
  • Joe Biden's 'Note To Self' From 2016 Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

    In 2016, Joe Biden shared his story on what would go on to become an Emmy-nominated series for CBS called "Note to Self." In it, he talks about his childhood, political career, and personal tragedies that defined him as a public servant. He begins by revealing a painful childhood memory.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Biden's Body Language During His Victory Speech Said A Lot

    Third time's a charm? It is for Joe Biden, now president-elect. After two prior attempts at the job, he has given his victory speech. "I sought this office to rebuild the soul of America, to rebuild the backbone of this nation, the middle class, and to make America respected around the world again."

    By Hanna Claeson Read More
  • Kamala Harris Seems To Deliver A Victory Speech One-Liner To Trump

    When the Biden-Harris campaign held their first victory event in Delaware, the stage went first to the Vice President-elect Kamala Harris who was given the platform and opportunity to thank the campaign workers, and to acknowledge the history that was being made as a result of her election.

    By Hope Ngo Read More