• Can A Narcissist Love You?

    No relationship is perfect, but some relationships are downright toxic. If you find that your partner is more preoccupied with themself than, well, pretty much anything else, you just might be in love with a narcissist.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Does It Mean When You Dream About Sex?

    If you've ever had a restful night of sleep interrupted by a dream about sex, you know how it can seriously throw off your mojo. Whether or not it was graphic, dreaming about doing the deed can leave you with lingering questions. Did that dream about sex mean anything? And if so, what?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Know You're Not With Your Soulmate

    There's a reason The Hallmark Channel dominates every holiday season, and it has to do with one overarching theme: LOVE. Each storyline revolves around soulmates. Sadly, though, life doesn't always imitate art. While experts agree that soulmates are indeed real, how do you know if you're settling?

    By Bridget Chambers Read More
  • The Best Way To Break Up With A Narcissist

    Most of us have been there at one point or another. A relationship that seemed perfect at the start begins unraveling. If you're lucky, the breakup is easy. A few tears might be shed, but you resolve things like adults and go your separate ways. What happens if your soon-to-be ex is a narcissist?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Who Is Christina Anstead's New Husband And How Did They Meet?

    Fans were devastated when Flip or Flop husband and wife team Christina and Tarek El Moussa announced they were splitting. Soon enough, Christina moved on with a new spin-off show, Christina on the Coast, but also a new husband and a new name. Who's the man who captured Christina Anstead's heart?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Bachelorette Finale: Hannah Gives Tyler A Second Chance

    The two part season 15 finale of The Bachelorette was wild. First, Hannah eliminated Pete. Then, she got engaged to Jed, broke up with Jed, and finally ended the whirlwind season by asking Tyler out on a date. Even for a reality dating show, that's a lot of drama. How did Hannah end up with Tyler?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What It Means If You Dream About Your Ex

    You're fast asleep, making sure to get in those eight hours. Perhaps you're dreaming of a tropical vacation or a promotion at work. Suddenly, your pleasant dream shifts and you find yourself locking lips with your ex. Wait, what? What is your ex doing in your dreams?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Does Kissing On The First Date Mean? Should You Do It?

    Not only is it be tricky to find someone you're compatible with, but figuring out the proper dating protocol can be like navigating a field of land mines. Assuming that first date goes well, should you kiss your potential partner? And if you do go in for the kiss, what does it mean?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Texts You Should Never Send After Breaking Up With Someone

    Sometimes texting feels like a self-destruct button when you're going through a breakup. It's just way too easy to send exactly the wrong thing to the wrong person, and texting your ex in the spur of the moment is almost never a good idea. Here are texts you should never send to an ex.

    By Blaire Erskine Read More
  • Why Do We Kiss?

    There are good kisses and bad kisses. But, while we're busy getting close to others, not many of us have stopped to question why we even kiss at all.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Secret Things Men Do That Women Actually Find Attractive

    There's a great deal of confusion among both genders on how to attract the other. We all know the basics: good sense of humor, confidence, listen. There are still some things, though, that not even women realize they find attractive. Here are the secret things men do that women find attractive.

    By Kathleen Tonner Read More
  • Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Marriage

    We're all guilty of having a few unrealistic expectations about marriage, but we might just have Hollywood to thank for our fairytale-like desires in the romance department. Take a moment to think back on your favorite films, and you may realize there are more than a few problematic tropes in each.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Bizarre Ways Women Were Encouraged To Find A Husband In The 1950s

    Dating has changed a lot since the '50s, and, while we may love shows like Mad Men, most women today would likely agree that they'd never want to go back to that time. Although you can get modern advice on how to find a husband, there's nothing that compares to what was suggested in the '50s.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Why We Find Smiles So Attractive

    Smiling is also an intrinsic human behavior. Nevertheless, not all smiles are authentic. You can probably remember a time when you plastered on a less than genuine grin. Still, it's no secret that we as humans find a nice, authentic smile attractive — but why? You'll want to keep on reading.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Body Language That Attracts People The Most

    Body language may just be the key to figuring out what people are thinking and feeling, so it's super helpful to know what to look for (and what to do) if you're dating or in a relationship. Here's the body language that attracts others the most, according to experts.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Behaviors That Attract Women The Most

    Physical attraction is complicated -- beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all. But the way people behave is just as important as physical appearance when it comes to attraction, and it turns out that these behaviors that are nearly universally attractive to women.

    By Becki Ledford Read More