Sapiosexual: The Real Reason You're Scientifically Attracted To Intelligence
Everyone's attracted to intelligence, but sapiosexuals put looks and personality on the back burner and prioritize knowledge. Why does that happen?
Read MoreEveryone's attracted to intelligence, but sapiosexuals put looks and personality on the back burner and prioritize knowledge. Why does that happen?
Read MoreBeing a maid of honor is like a job, except you don't actually get paid. Think of it as your duty that, for the next year or so, you'll be orchestrating a large portion of your best friend's wedding.
Read MoreWe are all drawn to the idea that there is just one person for us out there, and different cultures have different names for that person.
Read MoreGhosting has become such a normal thing with today's generation. Here are a few signs to look out for if you're worried you're being ghosted.
Read MoreHave you ever been hanging out with one of your guy friends when suddenly... you feel the vibe between the two of you change? But how can you tell if he likes you as more than a friend?
Read MoreIf you see that your partner is starting to veer over to the unhealthy side, and you want to help, you need to ask yourself a few questions before you dive immediately into trying to tell your partner to lose weight.
Read MoreAmong celebrities, there are a ton of differing opinions on what makes a "perfect" man. Here's what your fave celebs have to say about the topic.
Read MoreEver consider the reasons you're still single? After all, these days, there are more ways than ever to meet potential romantic partners. But just because there are so many ways to meet people doesn't mean there aren't any singles left out there. Read on to find out why you're still single.
Read MoreIf you don't know what's going on in your partner's head, their inability to talk with you about their feelings can feel like they're actively hiding something from you, or that they're pulling away from the relationship.
Read MoreThere's nothing more awkward than having the talk. Not the birds and the bees talk you had with your parents (although that was awkward, too). We mean the talk you need to have with your partner when you realize they have a spending problem.
Read MoreBeing ignored by anyone isn't fun. But being ignored your boyfriend is somehow infinitely worse than being ignored by friends or people you work with.
Read MoreIt's 3 a.m. You wake up suddenly and instead of seeing nothing but inky darkness in front of you, the room is dimly lit by the glow of a smartphone, as your partner quickly checks social media before going back to sleep.
Read MoreYou met your significant other on Tinder. You're absolutely ecstatic with one another. You really feel like you've won the Dating Lotto... yet you're updating your dating apps when your partner's not looking. If you don't know what micro-cheating is, it may be time to change that.
Read MoreEmotional infidelity can be just as painful as a physical affair. So what are the best ways to make sure the lines aren't crossed?
Read MoreWe've spent squillions of dollars on movies, books, and music describing the rush we feel when we meet The One. We've also spent countless hours crying on our friends' shoulders or online researching "how to move on from heartbreak" when the person we thought was The One turned out to be The Worst.
Read MoreShe's a Supreme Court justice, a wife, mother, pop culture heroine, and popular internet meme, but now the legendary Ruth Bader Ginsburg is adding another feather to her cap as a marriage counselor. At least, casually, and for the right person, anyway.
Read MoreOne of the newest and latest terms that has popped up lately that describes a new, annoying dating trend is "paperclipping." What is it, anyway?
Read MoreIt can be an easy routine to fall into: texting constantly, spending every free moment together, making future plans for every weekend. It's normal to want to be with the one you love. However, it's inevitable that some distance be inserted into the relationship.
Read MoreHappy couples can benefit from implementing nighttime routines before going to bed.
Read MoreFinding a sleep position that allows both you and your partner to feel maximum levels of comfort throughout the night is important. However, what you may not realize is that the position in which you and your significant other sleep with each other actually says a lot about your relationship.
Read MorePeople flirt differently in different parts of the world, as you might have guessed.
Read MoreComing out videos on YouTube often showcase an LGBTQA+ person in an emotional and nerve-wracking moment and often resulting in amazingly vulnerable productions. Not only do these videos bring joy (and often happy tears) to those who watch them, but they also might inspire others to come out as well.
Read MoreThere are a lot of myths surrounding the ring finger. Some people think that wedding rings are worn on the left fourth finger because the ancient Romans believed it had a vein that ran directly to the heart. They weren't the only ones who thought this.
Read MoreThey say there's a soulmate out there for everyone, and, if you're lucky and the fates are on your side, you just might know the joy of falling in love with your soulmate. But how do you really know if you've found the person who's truly meant for you?
Read MoreWith the rise of technology, the way that people meet each other has completely changed. In fact, a lot has changed about dating over the course of history.
Read MoreLove is hard. Loving a narcissist, though, is even harder. If you've ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you've probably found yourself wondering if a narcissist is capable of being in a healthy relationship. Is it possible for a narcissist to be faithful? Are they able to find true love?
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