• Signs A Long Distance Relationship Isn't Right For You

    If you're second guessing whether or not a long distance relationship is right for you, that might be one sign that it isn't. To make sure that it's not just insecurity, though, here are some other signs that a long distance relationship isn't right for you.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Know If An Open Relationship Is Right For You

    Mention open relationships and many people react with a certain degree of discomfort ranging from nervous giggles to outright shock and horror. Meanwhile, however, there are numerous others who find that these types of relationships actually work for them. How do you know if it's right for you?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Signs You're A Victim Of 'Love Bombing'

    A lot of new relationships start off hot. While this is often a sign that things are going well, sometimes it could be the opposite. An affectionate partner might seem like a good thing on paper, but in real life, someone who is too affectionate might be using a technique known as love bombing.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The Worst Things To Say During A Fight With Your Boyfriend

    While disagreements are a natural part of any healthy relationship, there is definitely a good way to fight and a bad way to fight. It's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and say all sorts of things that you don't mean, and this can lead to resentment down the road.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Tell If You're Being Gaslighted

    Gaslighting in a relationship is actually a form of brainwashing, one that in its mildest form creates an unequal power balance. More severe gaslighting, however, should be considered psychological abuse.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The Reason Leaving An Abusive Relationship Is So Hard

    If you've never experienced abuse from a partner, you probably have a hard time understanding how any person could possibly stay with anyone who treats them so badly. The truth of the matter is, while all relationships may be complicated, abusive ones take this complexity to a whole new level.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The Truth About Boho Chic Weddings

    Say what you will about Boho chic, but the look is undeniably romantic, and thus perfect for a wedding theme. These Bohemian-inspired choices may help inspire your choice of wedding location, attire, and even menu.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Signs Your Relationship Is Actually Hurting Your Health

    Even a strong relationship can turn sour. While a deteriorating relationship can cause a lot of heartaches, there's a lot more on the line than a broken heart. In some cases, a not-so-stellar relationship can negatively impact your health.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Signs You And Your Spouse Need A 'Sleep Divorce'

    Your partner is your soulmate and you love each other like no other couple you know. You like the same things, are in synch with each other over just about everything... everything that is, except sleeping patterns.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Things You Should Consider Before Moving In With Your Significant Other

    There comes a time in every relationship when a couple starts getting serious and begins to wonder if they should move in together. There are a lot of pros to cohabiting with your significant other, but there can also be cons. What should you think about before making that leap?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Let Someone Know You Want To Be More Than Just Friends

    It can be incredibly risky to jump from "just friends" to something more romantic. Will they be interested, too? Or am I sabotaging our good friendship? These types of questions are natural, as admitting feelings may ruin the entire platonic friendship. So, what's a love fool to do?

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • Is It Ever Okay To Read Your Boyfriend's Texts?

    Modern technology has made dating complicated in so many ways. Not only do we have to worry about things like catfishing and cyberstalking, but there are temptations that simply didn't exist before the era of cell phones — like snooping.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Warning Signs That Your Spouse Is Gaslighting You

    If your partner is deliberately conditioning you to think that you are in the wrong, this is a technique known as gaslighting. Gaslighting can be subtle and quite dangerous, as victims of this manipulation tactic often don't realize what is happening.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The One Thing Couples Should Do Every Day To Stay Happy

    Still, there's science to back up certain must-dos for happy couples, the most intriguing of which is something you can start including in your daily routine right now. The good news is it puts both partners on equal footing, regardless of gender.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About Speed Dating

    Thanks to the internet, some of us have the option of using online apps to meet the person of our dreams. For those who want the experience of meeting and greeting face to face, speed dating is a thing. What is it all about, though?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Here's What The Bible Says About Divorce

    Making decisions that affect not just your own life but the lives of those you love (or at least used to) can be stressful at best, so it's not surprising for those who practice religion to turn to the Bible and scripture to seek out guidance on what the best thing to do might be.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Signs That You're In A One-Sided Relationship

    Not all relationships are created equal. In some, two people aren't on an even footing. This can lead to toxicity and resentment if not addressed, but how do you even know if you're in such a relationship?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Recognize And Get Over Unrequited Love

    You spend your waking moments slipping into daydreams about the future you'll have together, the places you'll go, and the things you'll see. But there's just one catch: the other party doesn't know how you feel, or if he or she does, the interest and affection isn't reciprocated.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • What It Really Means When You Dream About Cheating

    You're in a happy, committed relationship. But just last night you dreamed you were with someone else having the time of your life between the sheets. Do those particular dreams have meanings, and what might those meanings be?

    By Hope Ngo Read More