• How To Get A Guy To Admit He Likes You

    Finding that special someone is no easy feat. While trying to figure out if a guy likes you might bring flashbacks to middle school, it's something a lot of us deal with in adulthood. Short of sending a guy a note, is there any way to figure out if the guy you're crushing on is crushing back?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Is Stashing, The Latest Dating Trend?

    As if dating wasn't already hard enough, now there's a whole new dating trend to worry about: stashing. In a dating world where we already have to deal with ghosting and love bombing, stashing doesn't seem too bad in comparison, but this trend is one you definitely want to be on the lookout for.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Is Pistanthrophobia And How Do You Get Over It?

    Do you tend to fall in love quite easily (and frequently), and yet, every time, you find you've fallen into a pit of despair where you are constantly living in fear that your lover is lying to you, cheating on you, and 100 percent likely to hurt you?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • How To Break Up With Someone You Love

    Breaking up is hard to do. It's even harder, though, when you're saying goodbye to someone you truly love. While love can conquer a lot, sometimes you have no choice but to call it quits with someone that you love.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Tell If You're Being Too Clingy

    Having some alone time is important to a relationship — it's all about balance. Being too clingy in a relationship isn't just bad for your relationship, it's bad for you.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Deal With Having A Clingy Boyfriend

    While having a boyfriend who loves spending time with you sounds like the ideal, there's a fine line between being cute and being clingy. What happens when your boyfriend's need for affection becomes stifling?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Signs You're Married To A Perfectionist

    Just as no person is perfect, no marriage is perfect. In fact, this is a good thing. What happens, then, if you're in a relationship with a perfectionist? And how do you recognize the signs that your partner is one?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • How To Tell If You're In A Situationship

    One sign of a situationship may be the fact that it's just the two of you periodically hanging out. Your SO (Situational Other) makes no attempt to introduce you to their friends, much less their family, and you're really not a factor when it comes to planning their social life.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • What Alpha Females Should Be Looking For In A Partner

    If you're an alpha female who happens to be looking for love, you've probably heard it all. You're emasculating. You're aggressive. You've even been accused of going against traditional gender roles. But if you've been hearing these criticisms from men, you may be fishing in the wrong pond.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • How A 'Sleep Divorce' Can Actually Help Your Marriage

    You might be in love, but the way two people sleep together isn't always harmonious. And getting a bad night's rest can contribute to problems in the relationship. Snoring, stealing the covers, or sleeping in opposing positions can all cause issues. That's why you might need a sleep divorce.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • This Is What Holding Hands Means To A Guy

    Men aren't the most communicative creatures, often making their feelings known through actions rather than words. Holding hands is one of the most intimate actions you can take with a romantic partner. What does it mean to him?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Real Differences Between Sparks And True Chemistry

    It's easy sometimes to fantasize about what might happen with that cute barista who gives us butterflies when handing our latte over in the morning. But sparks are just the beginning of real feelings and, more often than not, they disappear.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • Dating Mistakes All Women Make

    All women make dating mistakes because, duh, dating is hard. Fortunately, rules, guidelines, and advice exist to help us out in the dating scene. Whether you've been dating for years or are just getting started, you should know the dating mistakes all women make and how to avoid making them.

    By Korey Denton Read More
  • Is Limerence Real Love?

    We call it infatuation and lovesickness, but psychologists have a different term when they talk about one person's intense longing, unrequited or reciprocated, for another person: they call it limerence.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Creative Ideas For First Dates In 2020

    Could 2020 be the Year of the New Significant Other? Could be, but you won't know for certain until you've taken the plunge and gone on your first date. A creative first date could be a way to get to know someone without having to do too much talking... until you're both comfortable with each other, that is.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • How To Know When A One-Sided Relationship Becomes Toxic

    You're in a relationship with someone that ticks all the right boxes. You're happy for the most part, except you don't feel like you're good enough so you're constantly insecure. How do you know when your relationship is becoming one-sided?

    By Hope Ngo Read More