• Mistakes Everyone Makes With Wedding Rings

    Wedding rings are important to those of us who wear them, and we likely don't want to take them off. But there are times that the ring should be resting safely on your bedside table and not on your ring finger. These are the mistakes you definitely don't want to make with your precious wedding ring.

    By Sara Ryan Read More
  • Mistakes Everyone Makes Buying Engagement Rings

    Thinking about planning a marriage proposal can be daunting in itself, and then there's the extra concern over buying the right engagement ring. To help make this important decision, we've compiled some mistakes to avoid.

    By Erica Andrews Read More
  • What You Should Know If You're An Optimist Dating A Pessimist

    If you're a glass-half-full kind of gal, it can be difficult if your partner looks at things more negatively. Opposites might attract, but that doesn't necessarily make the relationship easy. However, with time and effort your relationship could work.

    By Erica Andrews Read More
  • Here's What You Should Wear On A Virtual First Date

    Virtual first dates are pragmatic, yes, but can be romantic, too, if you put in a little effort to create the right impression. You want to make sure you're looking cute, but not too try-hard. Here's what you should wear, from wardrobe to accessories to makeup.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • How Long Do Long-Distance Relationships Really Last?

    Long-distance relationships are tough. You meet, you fall in love, and then new career opportunities or family obligations arise, and, all of a sudden, you're looking at possibly spending the next few months -- or even years -- apart. So, just how long do long-distance relationships really last?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • How To Start A New Relationship After A Divorce

    The papers have been signed and you're on your own. You may be wondering if the time has come to start dating after a divorce. But before you do that, you need to do a few things, especially if you want any new relationship you start to succeed.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Is A Polyamorous Relationship Right For You?

    Polyamorous relationships involve being in love with more than one person. And by being in love, we mean having an intimate relationship. But is a polyamorous relationship right for you? Before you jump into it, it's be a good idea to sit down with your partner first and talk.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Perfect Good Morning Texts To Send Your Crush

    Good morning texts are a great way to build chemistry. It's the perfect way to pique someone's interest and keep them thinking about you all day. The dynamics around every crush situation are different but there are some foolproof ways to get your message across first thing in the morning.

    By Sara Ryan Read More
  • What It Means When Your Partner Sends You Good Morning Texts

    You're waking up in the morning from a deep sleep and then you hear something ding. It's your phone with a good morning text from your love. You immediately smile ear-to-ear because you love waking up to messages from them. But what does it actually mean when they send you early morning greetings?

    By Erica Andrews Read More
  • Signs The No Contact Rule Isn't Working

    Many of us struggle to completely cut off an ex after a breakup. After all, you've shared a lot experiences together, whether good or bad. If you're struggling with the no contact rule, we're here to help.

    By Erica Andrews Read More
  • Things You Shouldn't Do When Dating An Introvert

    So you're thinking of dating an introvert? Making their acquaintance may be the first hurdle you face. But if you actually want to start dating, there are certain precautions you're going to have to take and things to keep in mind.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Myths You Should Stop Believing About Polyamorous Relationships

    When we think of polyamorous relationships, what comes to mind? Crazy partner-swapping? Actually, polyamory -- the practice of engaging in consensual, informed romantic and/or sexual relationships with more than one person at a time -- is a lot less wild and a lot more common than you might think.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • What To Do If Your Wedding Was Postponed Due To Coronavirus

    Due to the increasing impact of the coronavirus, brides-to-be around the world have been making the difficult decision to postpone their upcoming weddings. And it's not just affecting couples to be wed and their guests. It's affecting wedding venues, vendors, and event planners, too.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Should You Stop Dating During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

    If all this talk about social distancing in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic has you confused, we don't blame you. Does social distancing mean putting a hold on your entire social life for the foreseeable future? Should you stop dating in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Having Regrets In A Relationship Could Actually Mean

    Relationships are one of the most important things in our lives, whether it be with friends or a significant other. Sometimes relationships can be a roller coaster of emotions and we begin to start doubting ourselves and regretting the decisions we've made. Is that a bad thing, though?

    By Erica Andrews Read More
  • Warning Signs There Won't Be A Second Date

    You've finally met that person that makes you feel all sparkly inside. You can feel it -- this is the one. The question is, do they feel it back? Experts weigh in on the signs you need to know, raising warning flags that there won't be a second date.

    By Kate Hagan Gallup Read More
  • Signs That Someone You Love Is A Hypochondriac

    While hypochondriacs are the butt of numerous jokes, there's really not much to laugh about should you be sharing your life with anyone afflicted with illness anxiety disorder. But how can you tell if your partner is, in fact, a hypochondriac?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • What You Should And Shouldn't Do If You're Caught In A Situationship

    If you have a more-or-less significant other, somebody you're spending a lot of time hanging out with, and yet you hesitate to define this person as your girlfriend or boyfriend or to call your association an actual relationship, then you are most likely caught up in a situationship.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Lies You've Been Told About Love

    There are countless lies you've been told about love. According to experts, though, these are some of the biggest fibs you can stop believing about love.

    By Olivia Shaw Read More
  • Signs That You're A High Maintenance Girlfriend

    The phrase "high maintenance" gets thrown around a lot, but most never think that it could apply to themselves. Being high maintenance can spell doom for a relationship, so self-awareness is the first step in becoming a less demanding girlfriend. But how can you tell if you are high maintenance?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Things You Should Never Do While Speed Dating

    Some people are suited to being single, but if that isn't you, and you want to expand your dating horizons, chances are you've thought about speed dating. But before you go on your first event, there are a few things you should know.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • The Real Truth About The Friend Zone

    It seems it may be time to rethink the friend zone, because as some folks see it, the term has been mostly used by men who start off as friends with women, and while the men develop feelings, the women don't, and that's when the trouble begins.

    By Hope Ngo Read More