How Not Switching Up Your Workouts Can Really Affect Your Health
Like many other things in life, too much of one type of exercise can do more harm than good. Switching up your workouts can help you avoid possible pitfalls.
Read MoreLike many other things in life, too much of one type of exercise can do more harm than good. Switching up your workouts can help you avoid possible pitfalls.
Read MoreOne of the central tenants of health is how well we're breathing. But, beyond that, what's in your air makes a big difference as well.
Read MoreItching in your pubic area can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but is it a cause for concern?
Read MoreThe aftercare of a new tattoo is more than just a daily cleanse. It requires moisturization due to peeling. Yes, that's right — peeling tattoos are normal.
Read MoreAmericans were simultaneously stunned and confused on May 13, 2021, when the CDC announced that fully vaccinated people could stop wearing masks.
Read MoreMagic mushrooms, a special kind of mushroom that contains the hallucinogen psilocybin have long been part of pop culture, part of drug culture...
Read MoreIf your fingers fall asleep, it isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Here's what it could mean.
Read MoreHere's why your hands are always falling asleep and what you should do about it.
Read MoreMany of us have woken up at one time or another to find that our arm (or sometimes our leg) has fallen asleep, leading to uncomfortable tingling and numbness,
Read MoreWhen's the last time you fell asleep easily and got an uninterrupted eight hours of slumber? If it's been a while, it's time to look at your sleep habits.
Read MoreCalm is one of the hottest apps on the market right now and it's all due to the fact that it supposedly helps you and improves your mental health.
Read MoreIf you're considering adding powdered collagen to your coffee for a skin and joint health boost, you might want to think again.
Read MoreA trip to the doctor's office may be needed, though there are easy steps that can be taken in order to try and reduce all the extra sweat.
Read MoreIf you live with seasonal allergies, dusting is a chore you should definitely stay on top of. Here's how often experts recommend dusting.
Read MoreIf your hand falls asleep while typing, it could be the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome, which if left untreated could end up requiring injections or surgery.
Read MoreSleep paralysis occurs when your brain becomes conscious but for a moment — lasting seconds to a few minutes — you are unable to move, which can be terrifying.
Read MoreYou may be tempted to stock up on inexpensive sunscreen from Dollar General, but experts agree this isn't the best place to buy this all-important product.
Read MoreLibras, born between September 23 and October 22, are smart and kind souls who are all about harmony and compromise.
Read MoreWhen you hear the word "addiction," what are some of the things that come to mind? Perhaps you may associate the word with substance abuse.
Read MoreUnless you've out in the cold for too long, there aren't many reasons that your face should feel numb. Here are the different causes of facial numbness.
Read MoreEven if you're among the lucky few whose passion leads them on a lucrative career path, your health can still be negatively impacted.
Read MoreReading gives you some surprising physical benefits. When researchers set out to discover which traditional method of relaxation works best, it was reading.
Read MoreWhen body parts go numb, it's usually because there is some sort of problem with the nerves in that area. Here's how to tell if your toe numbness is serious.
Read MoreYou can hate the smell of coffee, or you can be the kind of person that drinks it every day. In either case, you likely believe a lot of myths.
Read MoreUnless you've had your face mask over your ears and eyes, you know that the CDC released new recommendations about face masks for fully vaccinated individuals.
Read MoreA lymphatic drainage massage can get the system moving again and add more comfort to your life.
Read MoreBeauty bloggers often recommend using eucalyptus oil for skincare to promote healing and relieve sunburn. But even the diluted form may pose health risks.
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