• Why Your Hair Turns Blonde In The Summer

    If you love the sun, nothing beats summer. Slather on the sunscreen and stretch out on the beach or by the pool to soak up those rays! By the end of the summer, many people find that, in addition to a tan, they also have lighter hair. What is it about summer that brings out those natural highlights?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The Reason Men Have Nipples

    Has there ever been such a controversial body part as the nipple? Everyone has them, but while women's nipples are considered a body part that must be covered up at all times, men are allowed to go topless without facing censure. What makes men's nipples so special, and why do they even have them?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The Real Reasons You're Not Happy

    You might realize when you're not happy, but the reasons behind your emotions aren't always so apparent. Here are some unexpected reasons why you're unhappy.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Roe V. Wade

    Chances are you've heard of Roe v. Wade, but there is probably a lot you don't know about the landmark case from more than 40 years ago.

    By Becki Ledford Read More
  • Celebs Who Have Opened Up About Their Own Abortion Stories

    The Alabama abortion bill signed in May 2019 prompted many celebrities to speak out about their own experiences with terminating pregnancies, with stories coming from both sides. No matter one's personal belief regarding abortion, it can be helpful to listen to others' personal experiences.

    By Blaire Erskine Read More
  • Reasons To Go Vegetarian In 2019

    Once upon a time, eating meat was a necessity for survival, but these days, consuming meat is a lifestyle choice. Here are 14 reasons to ditch meat for good.

    By Brittney Vandal Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Abuse Within USA Gymnastics

    The USA Gymnastics sexual abuse scandal had a seismic impact both on the sport and the people employed within it. Media struggled to report the garish details, victims stood for their day in court, and Congress finally took action. This is the horrifying untold truth of abuse within USA Gymnastics.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • This Is What Lady Gaga Eats In A Day

    Lady Gaga is a superstar and she always looks amazing. So what kinds of foods does Gaga use to fuel her? Here's a look at what the popular singer eats in a day.

    By Jessica Booth Read More
  • Celebs Criticized For Being Too Thin

    For celebs in Hollywood, there's often also such a thing as being too skinny. Still, many A-listers have come under fire for not weighing enough.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Essential Oils

    Have you tried essential oils? Many people, including celebrities, have been embracing essential oils, but are they really as great as everyone claims?

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Surprising Things The Male Body Can Actually Do

    Being a human is just downright weird sometimes — regardless of sex. Men's bodies, in particular, can go through some Twilight Zone-quality stuff. From lactating to experiencing Irritable Male Syndrome, there are tons of surprising things that can happen to those with the XY chromosome.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Things People Don't Understand About The Female Body

    Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, right? While we can rest assured that we're all Earthlings, scientists have gone long studied the biological differences between men and women — many of which they are still trying to understand. Here are things you may not have known about the female body.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • The Male Body: Ridiculous Things People Used To Believe About It

    People didn't really know how the male body works for most of history. The differences between men and women were puzzling, leading people to come up with all sorts of wild and wacky theories about the male form. Thankfully, modern science has debunked a lot of the "wisdom" passed down.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Surprising Things That Actually Happen To The Male Body

    Men may not really be from Mars, but in many ways, their bodies are different enough from women's bodies that they might as well belong to aliens. The male body is capable of some truly remarkable (and sometimes shocking) things.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More