Scientifically Proven Natural Remedies
Even if you don't have essential oils, you've probably still built up a repertoire of home remedies like tea with honey for a sore throat.
Read MoreEven if you don't have essential oils, you've probably still built up a repertoire of home remedies like tea with honey for a sore throat.
Read MoreMeditation could help you deal with living in our plugged-in world that's seemingly non-stop. After all, there are a bunch of scientifically proven benefits.
Read MoreHaving too many energy drinks may be a real concern for some, as the beverages remain a popular drink choice. But there is some danger to consuming too many energy drinks. Here's what happens when you drink too much of them — and how many you should really be drinking.
Read MoreYou've probably never given much thought to birthmarks, but these seemingly simple patches of skin have a lot more to them than meets the eye.
Read MoreThere are all kinds of things that we do to stay healthy and to understand the skin that we're in, but not everything we think we know is true.
Read MoreHuman body parts are pretty remarkable. And every part of your body is important, right? Turns out there are parts of your body that are actually useless.
Read MoreWhile sugar in moderation is totally fine if you're in good health, it becomes the devil when you eat too much. Here's what happens when you eat too much sugar.
Read MoreIf you drink too much soda, it could lead to a slew of issues. While we know it's best to drink water, is there anything wrong with drinking one can every day?
Read MoreBlackheads are equal parts gross and confounding. According to Skin FAQ, scientifically speaking, blackheads actually aren't that disgusting.
Read MoreDairy is important for the body's overall health, but could you be eating too much dairy? Unfortunately, the answer isn't black and white.
Read MoreMaybe you're kissing a new partner or about to start a new job. Suddenly, your stomach is fluttering with fear.
Read MoreEyebrows often seem like more trouble than they're worth. Between tweezing and shaping, eyebrow maintenance can take up a lot of time, and for what? Eyebrows don't really do anything, do they? Why do we even have them?
Read MoreAssuming that you weren't raised vegan or aren't lactose intolerant, you were probably encouraged to drink lots of milk as a kid. It's a good source of calcium, after all, and helps you grow strong bones. We tend to think of milk as a good thing with positive health benefits.
Read MoreOral hygiene is super important. You might think that brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist are enough to keep your mouth in tip-top shape.
Read MoreWhile some level of narcissism is natural in human development, severe cases can cause emotional damage to those around them -- particularly with your parents.
Read MoreYou probably know that sleep is necessary to maintain your health. Humans need to recharge, and sleep allows us to do that. Most people are familiar with the side effects of a lack of sleep and have a lot of practice yawning through the day and chugging coffee just to keep their eyes open.
Read MoreHair in the chest area, especially around the nipples, is something that we tend to associate with men, but women can get hair there, too. In fact, hair around the nipples is not uncommon in women. Why do some women have hairy nipples? Is it a sign that there is something wrong?
Read MoreCoolSculpting promises to melt inches away, helping you get rid of that double chin or flabby belly. But how exactly does it work?
Read MoreNipples are an often-controversial body part, even though they shouldn't be. Everyone has two of them, right? Well, except for people who have three. Yes, third nipples exist, and they're more common than you might think.
Read MoreA bed should be a safe place where you can unwind and get some rest. Who doesn't look forward to snuggling into a soft bed of blankets, pillows, and... germs?
Read MoreDreams can be weird. Sometimes they make sense, but often they don't, and it can be hard unraveling them. If you've been longing to have a baby, it might be obvious what a dream of being pregnant means. But what if you're not thinking about having kids?
Read MoreEyelids are a small, but critical, body part. They keep our eyes protected from debris and perspiration, helping our eyes function at their best. Not all eyelids are the same, though, and some of us have double eyelids. What exactly is a double eyelid? We're glad you asked.
Read MoreGas. Everyone has it, everyone passes it, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. That doesn't mean, though, that passing gas is always convenient. We've all held in a fart at one point or another, but is it actually healthy to do so? What really happens to your body when you resist the urge to fart?
Read MoreWhile many people can't wait to get home at the end of the day to take off their bras, others prefer to wear the often-uncomfortable undergarment 24/7.
Read MorePerhaps the most underrated and under-celebrated eye color is brown. What are some of those need-to-know facts about them? Here's the truth about brown eyes.
Read MoreAunt Flo. Time of the month. Code red. Whatever you call it, getting your period is not fun. Not only is it messy and uncomfortable (cramps are the worst), but you also have to buy feminine hygiene products to deal with your monthly visitor.
Read MoreSometimes it's hard not to procrastinate. But although procrastination is not an uncommon behavior, it's not a healthy habit. It's actually very unhealthy.
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