The Truth About Sleep Drunkenness
More than a third of the people in a Stanford study conducted on sleep drunkenness say they experience hallucinations and sleepwalking.
Read MoreMore than a third of the people in a Stanford study conducted on sleep drunkenness say they experience hallucinations and sleepwalking.
Read MoreWhen you poop, you usually know what to expect when you check out the goods in the toilet — the general shape, the usual size, and the typical color. What would you think if you were greeted instead with poop that looks like it exited the body of the Green Giant?
Read MoreThe nipple is a sensitive part of the human body that can be easily irritated, and it's not unusual that we find them hurting from time to time. It may be alarming at first, but there are various reasons why your nipples might hurt.
Read MoreThe dollar store may be your destination for various items. Since pregnancy tests can cost up to $15, it can be tempting to purchase one.
Read MoreLike it or not, vaping has become wildly popular. But like most things, vaping has consequences. Here are the potential effects vaping can have on the body.
Read MoreIf you've never had eyelash extensions done because you're terrified the procedure will (eventually) leave your eyes bald and lashless, you're in good company. And if you've done them before and you are convinced they leave your lashes thinner and more sparse, you could be right.
Read MoreBelly button pain can take many forms. It may come and go; it may be sharp or dull. If you have this type of pain, a handful of symptoms could be to blame.
Read MoreSome people chew gum, and other people chew ice. Some ice, especially those little nuggets of frozen goodness you can get at Sonic Drive-In, is irresistible. Eating ice, though, is not a big deal, right? After all, it's just frozen water, and water is super good for you.
Read MoreTattooing is safer these days than ever before, but are we still taking a risk going under the needle?
Read MoreTraveling, whether for business or for pleasure, often has a few side effects that you weren't counting on when you planned your trip. One of those things that can pop up during air travel is swollen feet. Why do your feet swell while you're on a plane, anyway?
Read MoreWhile they may not sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, cold showers can actually do wonders for your body.
Read MoreGetting comfortable enough to fall asleep is something most of us struggle with. Is sleeping on your stomach actually bad for your health?
Read MoreWe've been taught, ever since we were acne-prone teenagers, to leave our pimples alone. Sometimes, it's just too tempting, or they look so gross that squeezing them is the only way to get rid of them. Is popping pimples really that bad, or can we get away with doing it every once in a while?
Read MoreEveryone sneezes, but some sneezes can be particularly loud. You might be tempted to try to stifle a sneeze if you don't want everyone to stare at you (particularly if you're in a quiet place like the library or church), but as it turns out, holding in a sneeze might not be the best idea.
Read MoreNo matter how thoroughly we scrub our faces in the morning, gunk still fills up in the corners of our eyes throughout the day. This mucus is most commonly associated with sleep, so why does it happen when we're awake?
Read MorePicking your nose looks weird if you do it around other people, and most people don't do this past early childhood once they realize it's not exactly socially acceptable. However, even if you're all by yourself, you probably shouldn't root around in your nostrils, either.
Read MoreIntermittent fasting is the trendiest weight loss trick around at the moment, but its roots are centuries old. Humans have always fasted, either by necessity or, in modern times, for religious reasons — or even to prepare for surgery.
Read MoreBelly buttons can be cute, but they don't really serve any purpose. That doesn't mean you can just ignore your navel, though — because if you do, it can start to stink. Yes, really. So why does your belly button smell funny, anyway?
Read MoreYou've had the same old bottle of sunscreen kicking around in your closet for... well, a few years now. It's okay to use it, right? The answer is: maybe, or maybe not.
Read MoreEverybody poops, but it's not always convenient to poop when the need arises — such as when you're in a business meeting, while you're sitting in traffic, in the checkout line at Target, out at a restaurant dining with your friends, or teaching a room full of first graders.
Read MoreYou wake up in the morning and instead of a hearty, "Hello!" bursting from your lips as you greet your friends, family, or co-workers, you can only muster a jagged whisper. You've lost your voice, and you can't even tell anyone about it (without writing in down, anyway). Losing your voice is weird.
Read MoreEyelashes can be an amazing asset to have, but when you think about it, why do we have these long whisker-like things protruding from the edges of our eyes? Humans from long ago had way more hairy body parts than the modern-day human, but even as we've lost much of our body hair, eyelashes remain.
Read MoreToothpaste is (hopefully) part of your daily routine, but as your tube of toothpaste will tell you, it's not actually meant to be swallowed. It does usually taste good, though, and spitting out something you put in your mouth on purpose is actually kind of weird when you think about it.
Read MoreThere are lots of reasons why people snore, from weight to age, but alcohol consumption definitely has a major, and very noticeable, effect on snoring. So what does drinking have to do with it exactly?
Read MoreIt happens in the pool, the ocean, and even in the bathtub — suffice to say, wrinkly fingers are indescribably weird. Why do our fingers and toes wrinkle after a certain amount of time submerged in water? Well, the short answer is that nobody is really sure.
Read MoreThere's nothing worse than sitting in a quiet public space and hearing your tummy growl so loudly you're convinced everybody within a five mile radius has heard. Funnily enough, according to Healthline, these noises actually occur in the small and large intestines and not necessarily in the stomach.
Read MoreGetting pimples on your forehead, nose, or back can all point to different health concerns. Here's what your acne is telling you.
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