• This Is What Happens When You Stop Doing Yoga

    Between work, the school run, after-school or after-work activities, and family obligations, there just wasn't enough time to roll out your mat to get into your yoga poses. What happens when you give up yoga?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Healthy Plant Based Breakfast Ideas For 2020

    As the number of vegan-curious eaters interested in switching to a vegan or plant-based diet increases, so, too, do the menu options. There are plenty of options, including these plant-based breakfast treats you may be enjoying in 2020.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Does Hypnosis Help With Weight Loss?

    When we see the word 'hypnosis,' many of us might think about people with swinging pocket watches and pendulums. And it would be fair for you to ask how someone who appears completely into the idea of mind control might be able to support a weight loss program.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Are Standing Desks Really Beneficial?

    Since we pay for the conveniences associated with an urban lifestyle by working in an office, it seems we're doomed to sitting eight hours a day or longer — unless we try standing at our desks instead. Are standing desks, though, really beneficial?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • The Reason You Feel Bloated All The Time

    You've been working out like a fiend, watched every bit of food that you've eaten, and skipped treats, all in the name of getting into your favorite outfit. It used to fit like a glove, but now... even after you've skipped meals, you feel full, and what is with that pooch?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • What Does Detox Tea Actually Do?

    It's after the holidays and you've just spent your break indulging in a bit more than you would like, so you probably feel a detox is in order. You may find that one of the quickest ways to do this (at least where social media influencers are concerned) is to use a detox tea.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Does The Squatty Potty Really Work As It Claims?

    Although the Mayo Clinic is still in the midst of a wider study to determine whether what they call a 'squat assist device' actually works to improve one's ability to poop, other doctors have come out to say that they've seen proof that the Squatty Potty isn't quite as silly as it might sound.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Is Intermittent Fasting Actually Good For You?

    While trendy weight loss plans are regularly being studied (and often subsequently debunked), doctors are taking a second look at intermittent fasting as a potential way to get healthy in a sustainable way.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Surprising Ingredients Found In Your Sunscreen

    Reaching for a bottle of sunscreen is par for the course for anyone who wants to try to avoid skin cancer. But is all sunscreen the same? Are there potentially-harmful ingredients lurking within?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is What Happens When You Stop Doing Keto

    It's high in fat but low in carbohydrates. And while it may have worked for you, your body may be telling you that it's time to get off the keto diet. No one is likely to judge you for wanting to stop grazing on fatty food, and there are several reasons you might want to do so. What happens next?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Signs You're Using The Wrong Toothpaste

    When you search for toothpaste, the ads say it all — look for something that will give you minty-fresh breath and shiny white teeth. But what happens when your toothpaste gives you more than what you've bargained for, say chapped lips or rashes around your mouth?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Plant Based Vs Vegan: What's The Difference?

    You've reached a point where you decide that eating fish and meat is not an option for you anymore. But you're not too keen on the idea of giving up eggs or dairy. What happens now? One option is to go with a plant-based diet. How does that differ from veganism, though?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Does CBD Really Do Everything It Claims?

    Over the past few years, CBD has entered the mainstream and is showing up in the form of CBD-infused foods, and is starting to make its way into personal care items as well. It has a long list of purported benefits, like aiding pain, anxiety, depression, and epilepsy, among other things.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Real Reasons You Should Be Eating More Tahini

    While you may be familiar with tahini from the starring role it plays in hummus, it can also be used to make a tasty salad dressing or even add an earthy flavor to baked goods. The best reason to add a lot more tahini to your diet, however, is the wide range of amazing health benefits it offers.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Signs Your Relationship Is Actually Hurting Your Health

    Even a strong relationship can turn sour. While a deteriorating relationship can cause a lot of heartaches, there's a lot more on the line than a broken heart. In some cases, a not-so-stellar relationship can negatively impact your health.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The Real Reason For Hair Loss During Pregnancy

    One of the more alarming elements aside from giving birth is hair loss, which has long been the secret friends-with-babies share to make expectant mothers check their hairbrushes more carefully. Is it simply one of those false facts you believe about pregnancy, or is there some truth to it?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Real Way Cortisol Affects Your Skin

    Do you have dry skin, acne, or inflammation? According to esthetician Alana Mitchell, there's one pesky hormone that could be responsible: cortisol. The Society for Endocrinology explains that cortisol is a steroid hormone made in our adrenal glands which can spike when we're feeling stress.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • Signs You And Your Spouse Need A 'Sleep Divorce'

    Your partner is your soulmate and you love each other like no other couple you know. You like the same things, are in synch with each other over just about everything... everything that is, except sleeping patterns.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • The Truth About Winnie Harlow's Skin Condition

    Supermodel Winne Harlow has a rare skin condition called vitiligo, which causes white patches on your body — and makes her one of the most unique models in the world. However, she's been vocal that it's not something that should define her.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Coffee Naps

    What if we also told you one of the best times to drink coffee is before you take a nap? There is actual science behind the coffee nap.

    By Hope Ngo Read More