• The Truth About Emsculpt

    Abs are made in the kitchen, or so the old adage goes, but that doesn't stop us putting in hours upon hours at the gym trying to get them to look as defined as possible. However, the noninvasive, FDA-approved body-sculpting treatment known as Emsculpt might just get you abs for the right price.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Dangers You Should Know About Before Taking Probiotics

    Over the past decade or two, there's been a lot of talk around probiotics, with many publications reporting on the benefits of taking them daily. However, there are also arguments of the potential harm they could cause, and certain dangers you should know about before taking probiotics.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • What Happens To Your Body If You Don't Get Enough Sun

    In recent years, there's been a huge crackdown on sun safety, with many people more conscious of time spent in the sun — and the impact it can have on their health — than ever. However, according to Dr. Clare Morrison, spending too little time in the sun can affect your health in a negative way.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Worst Foods For Cholesterol

    The word "cholesterol" carries with it a scary urgency; we have to lower it lest we keel over from a heart attack. However, cholesterol is actually misunderstood. There are, though, certain foods you should definitely avoid.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • What's Really Happening When Your Birth Control Is Making You Sick

    According to the CDC, approximately 12 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 49 use the pill as a form of birth control. Since it is 99 percent effective, it is a common choice of those looking to prevent pregnancy. But similar to many types of drug, it has a lengthly list of side effects.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • The Reason You Should Add Chia Seeds To Your Water

    Chia seeds have been all the rage with the health-conscious for some time and it's easy to see why due to all their nutritional benefits. However, there is a right way and wrong way to eat chia seeds, and it turns out you should be adding them to your water.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Probiotics

    We used to think all bacteria was bad for us. So when we were told that some strains of bacteria, known as probiotics, are actually good for us, we should have known that it wouldn't be long before bottles promoting the latest strains would hit our drugstore shelves.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Surprising Ingredients Found In Your Nail Polish

    A splash of nail polish is all you need to look and feel put together. Whether you DIY or treat yourself to a manicure at the salon, it's worth every minute of your time to give your hands a finished look. But have you ever considered what nail polish is made of?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Does Intuitive Eating Really Work?

    Intuitive eating seems like the handiest — and easiest — diet imaginable. After all, you just eat what you want, and who doesn't want to do that?! But what it is and whether it actually works are still kind of difficult to ascertain.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About Eyelash Lice

    It's been recently reported that there was an increase in the presence of 'lash lice' in those who wear eyelash extensions. The main reason cited was lack of eyelash extension hygiene, which can lead to a build-up of bacteria where the critters can make themselves at home.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Healing Crystals

    Once the purview of fringy new-age types, crystals have gone mainstream and can readily be purchased from retailers — even Target. Do healing crystals actually work, though?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Do Juice Cleanses Really Do Everything They Claim?

    If you've overindulged, chances are you'd be looking at a quick fix that can help you get back on track. And chances are you'll come across the idea of going on a juice cleanse, which involves drinking just water, fruit, and vegetable juices for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is What Happens When You Stop Intermittent Fasting

    Outside of how your body may or may not react to this dieting trend, there's the question of what happens if you stop. Intermittent fasting isn't necessarily sustainable forever for everyone, so the effects of calling it quits are worth considering even if you're only just beginning your journey.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About Kundalini Yoga

    What most of us call "yoga" is actually the practice of Hatha Yoga, which is the most popular form of yoga in the west. There are other types of yoga, though, including Kundalini. What's it all about?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • When You Sleep In Contacts, This Is What Happens To Your Eyes

    It's happened before. You were tired in that 'I just need to take a nap for a bit' kind of way, but the next thing you know, it's daytime, and you've just spent the night sleeping in street clothes, makeup... and with your contact lenses in. What can happen if you do this?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is What Happens When You Stop Doing Yoga

    Between work, the school run, after-school or after-work activities, and family obligations, there just wasn't enough time to roll out your mat to get into your yoga poses. What happens when you give up yoga?

    By Hope Ngo Read More