• Why Your Body's Average Temperature Isn't 98.6 Degrees Anymore

    For your entire life, you probably thought your body temperature was supposed to be exactly 98.6 degrees. In fact, conventional wisdom has held this to be true for nearly 170 years, but new research has shown that the average human body temperature has decreased.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The Truth About Ear Wax Candles

    You've probably heard of ear candling, which is meant to relieve sinus congestion, improve hearing, stop ringing in the ears, and cure a variety of ear problems. Does it actually work, and is it even safe?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Which Alcohol Gives You The Worst Hangover?

    It's safe to say that most people have experienced a hangover at least once in their life. Whether it put you off drinking or not is an entirely different story but those who continue to drink have probably since wondered what they can do to avoid another. Is one alcohol better than the other?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Old Water?

    Water doesn't go bad for years — right? But, what actually constitutes 'old' water? Is it water that's been left stewing for days, weeks, or months? Or does overnight water pose a potential risk to us, too? We know that we have to drink water every day, but does the age of the water really mean anything?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About Isagenix

    The Isagenix diet is the latest wonder weight loss program designed to help you lose weight in just 30 days without killing yourself at the gym. How does it work, and is it safe?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • How A 'Sleep Divorce' Can Actually Help Your Marriage

    You might be in love, but the way two people sleep together isn't always harmonious. And getting a bad night's rest can contribute to problems in the relationship. Snoring, stealing the covers, or sleeping in opposing positions can all cause issues. That's why you might need a sleep divorce.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • Does Emergen-C Actually Work The Way It Claims?

    Emergen-C is a supplement containing high doses of vitamins C, B6, and B12, along with zinc, which purports to protect your immune system and even prevent you from getting sick. The vitamins you actually need on a daily basis are generally taken in from food though, so is Emergen-C really necessary?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • What Really Happens To Your Body When You Have A Mental Breakdown

    A mental breakdown is one of the scariest things any of us could imagine. Although it's not quite as extreme as it may sound, and, nowadays, the term is generally used to describe a period of intense mental distress, there are still elements of a nervous breakdown that can feel incredibly debilitating.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Best Essential Oils For Headaches

    Essential oils have many benefits, one of which is believed to be reducing or abolishing headaches. But what the best essential oils for headache relief?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Tooth Gems

    Tooth gems are making a major comeback as the go-to accessory for the fabulously rich and famous, but there are some things you should know about tooth gems.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • These Are The Dangers Of Holotropic Breathwork

    Holotropic breathwork is just the latest in a long line of 'magical' fix-all cures that seemingly require little real effort and yet have major implications for our overall health and well-being.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • Signs You're On The Verge Of A Mental Breakdown

    The term mental breakdown, which is synonymous with nervous breakdown, isn't an actual clinical term, nor does it refer to a specific mental illness. So if you're feeling beyond stressed, what are some of the signs that can alert you that you might be headed for a breakdown?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The Best And Worst Essential Oils For Anxiety

    Essential oils can have many uses when it comes to emotional health, including anxiety, depression, mood, and concentration. So, exactly what essential oils should you use for anxiety? Here are seven of the best, and one that's better to avoid.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Vitamin B12 Injections

    B12 deficiency is common among vegans and vegetarians who often don't get enough B12 from their food, and it can pop up in other cases, too. Tthose with this type of vitamin deficiency, which is diagnosed via a blood test, are usually recommended to take either supplements or get regular B12 shots.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • What Actually Triggers Social Anxiety Disorder?

    While everyone may feel a little awkward from time to time when forced to go out of the house and deal with other people, if you are suffering from social anxiety, the thought of having to interact with others can lead to intense fear and panic that makes it difficult to function.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Things Only Pluviophiles Will Understand

    There are those of us who find the most joy when the weather is passionately angry, with rain lashing against our windows, winds howling, lighting cracking across the sky. If the thought of a rainy day brings you more joy than the idea of sunshine, then you're most definitely a pluviophile.

    By Hope Ngo Read More