Do Household Cleaners Really Kill The Coronavirus?
While the labels on these products often actually say they are effective against human coronavirus, the question is, do our old standbys really work?
Read MoreWhile the labels on these products often actually say they are effective against human coronavirus, the question is, do our old standbys really work?
Read MoreCranberry juice doesn't just taste good, it's full of health benefits too. What happens if you drink it every day?
Read MoreAccording to McGovern Medical School, itchy ears are a widespread problem. And while the sensation can be completely debilitating for some people, it can be more bearable for others. What does it mean when you have an itchy ear — or two?
Read MoreFitness fans will have a firm opinion on when the right time to exercise will be, but what do the experts say?
Read MoreWhile arthritis isn't something that can really be cured, it is very manageable, and responds well to lifestyle changes including exercise and, of course, a healthy diet. Here are the foods you should stay away from if you suffer from arthritis.
Read MoreDistichiasis, a genetic disorder that produces an extra row of lush eyelashes (double the eyelashes!), is something most of us could only dream of.
Read MorePeriod cramps are just the worst... ask any female on the planet who's reached her teens and she will confirm this fact. John Guillebaud of University College London told Quartz that some of his patients have told him the pain they feel from period cramps is "almost as bad as having a heart attack."
Read MoreSome of us are more flexible than others, and we're made more aware of that fact when we watch dancers or contortionists — or even the people next to us in yoga class. But there are folks that are so flexible they make us flinch sometimes. What does it really mean to be double jointed?
Read MoreIn the battle to shed a few pounds, you might feel like running a mile or two would be easier than getting on your bathroom scale. In order to use this simple tool effectively, there is one particular time of day that's best for hopping on the scale.
Read MoreEven in her 80s, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg manages to put us all to shame by finding time to break a sweat twice a week with her trainer, Bryant Johnson. How can you work out like RBG?
Read MoreThe liver's function is to filter out all of the impurities in your blood -- and, guess what? Living off a diet of junk wears it out more than healthy eating.
Read MoreWe know we prune up when we spend more than a few minutes in the water. But what happens if you subject your body (and your skin in the process) with the pressure of being somewhere we wouldn't normally be — like in the water for 10 days?
Read MoreSensory deprivation or floatation tanks have been around since 1954, when a neuroscientist named John C. Lilly invented the tank to study consciousness by cutting off most senses (except hearing and smell). What are they all about, and are they safe to use?
Read MoreIf you're able to identify and then avoid the foods most likely to trigger your reflux attacks, you won't have to worry so much about after-meal misery. The following foods are among the common culprits known to cause heartburn in many people.
Read MoreCurry leaves have played a big part in traditional Indian medicine, or Ayurveda, for the last 3,000 years because of their antibacterial and inflammatory properties. What happens if you eat curry leaves on a daily basis?
Read MoreDo you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain? Then chances are you're a fan of rum. But what happens if you enjoy it every night?
Read MoreWe may be tempted to reach for extra vitamins as a way of shoring up our immune systems - but medical experts say that may not be the right thing to do.
Read MoreChicory root doesn't seem like something we would imbibe to be healthier, but it does have some benefits that may be on the surprising side. If you saw it, though, we'd forgive you for giving it a pass at first glance, as it doesn't look super appetizing, but it is actually quite good for you.
Read MoreIn general, drinking water is a very good thing. We're always being told to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. There is one group of people, however, who shouldn't touch so much as a drop of the stuff — H20 can be harmful, or possibly even fatal, to infants under 6 months old.
Read MoreIf you've got a small backside, you might try to boost your butt with specific exercises, but if that doesn't work, you can augment that by taking fatty deposits from places you aren't happy about, and move that into the part of the body that you might want to change.
Read MoreThe white half moon found at the base of your nails is medically referred to as lunula. Here's what it can indicate about your health.
Read MoreYour kidneys are one of the hardest-working organs in your body. Every day they filter impurities out of your blood, remove bodily wastes, produce hormones, and balance fluids. Let's talk about some preventative maintenance you can do to make sure your kidneys stay in shape.
Read MoreMove over, cold brew - bubble tea is a trendy drink on the caffeine scene. But what happens to your body when you drink bubble tea every day?
Read MoreWhen our grandmas used to tell us that an apple a day kept the doctor away, they could have been talking about watermelon too. It's full of good stuff, but as with most things in life, you can overdo it.
Read MoreNew fitness trends abound, but not all are aren't worth the money.
Read MoreWe all have dreams and goals about the way we want to achieve flatter abs. Forget six-packs — we're talking about flatter, paunch-free midsections. There are plenty of myths floating around about getting abs, though.
Read MoreToward the end of January, the CDC confirmed that the novel coronavirus, which is making headlines around the world, has spread between two people in the U.S, which marked the first time direct transmission happened on U.S. shores. Will a surgical mask protect you from this illness?
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