Can Coronavirus Live On Your Clothes?
Yes, germs can live on your clothes and body, too. While this may not be the most common type of transmission, it's important to take precautions where we can.
Read MoreYes, germs can live on your clothes and body, too. While this may not be the most common type of transmission, it's important to take precautions where we can.
Read MoreYour phone is disgusting. Think about it. You take it everywhere, touch it all the time, and non-millennials even talk on it, placing the whole device near your nose and mouth. This is the same phone most people also take into the bathroom. A 2017 study confirms plenty of bacterial contamination.
Read MoreNot since we were in grade school have we heard so many people telling us to wash our hands. The problem is that we may have been skipping a super important part of washing our hands all along.
Read MoreYou've been told to do a few things for your health in 2020: get more exercise, and more recently -- avoid large crowds. So, how do you follow this advice during the deadly coronavirus outbreak?
Read MoreThis incredible edible egg is a surprising nutritional powerhouse, especially in poached form.
Read MoreWhere there are known benefits and drawbacks to the consumption of alcohol, science supports moderate consumption. What if your drink of choice is cognac?
Read MoreCayenne pepper is perfect for those who like their food hot, hot, hot. The powder can be added to just about any dish to raise the heat level without changing the basic flavor profile too much. Additionally, cayenne pepper may just be great for your health. This is what the spice does to your body.
Read MoreThe butterfly pea flower may be known for its blue color, but it isn't just another pretty floral face. The plant is commonly found in Southeast Asia, and its blossoms are not only brewed and consumed as a floral tea, but are also said to have medicinal value, and are used as a natural dye.
Read MoreRose water is everywhere. That may be because of its numerous health benefits and sweet, refreshing taste. We also suspect, however, that rose water's newfound popularity might just have something to do with its pretty color. But what happens to your body when you drink rose water? Let's find out.
Read MoreEven if you've never smoked a cigarette in your life, you're probably aware of the downsides of smoking, from the damaging effect it can have on health to addiction. Those who are trying to break the habit often try everything. But can hypnosis really help you quit?
Read MoreChamomile tea is not new to our diets, but scientists are finally starting to study the health benefits — and what they've found is promising.
Read MoreThere are times when we are in the middle of vivid, colorful dreams, and they feel so significant at the time that we tell ourselves that our dreams are worth remembering and reliving in our minds as soon as we get up. And then... nothing. Why do we forget our dreams?
Read MoreThere are a number of things you should never brush your teeth with, according to experts. Here's what to avoid using when brushing your teeth.
Read MoreThe New York Post reported that it's triggered fistfights in supermarket aisles in Australia. The BBC reported on an audacious armed robbery at dawn in Hong Kong. All over the world news of the potentially widespread COVID-19 coronavirus infection has sent folks to buy toilet paper. But why?
Read MoreYou're washing your hands. You're singing 'happy birthday' twice. But no matter how you — or we — try, we can't seem to take heed and act on the other part of the CDC's wellness-in-the-time-of-coronavirus advice, which is to stop touching our faces.
Read MoreWe've all had nights when we've stayed up tossing and turning for whatever reason. And if you're not inclined to take melatonin or a sleeping tablet, have we got an herbal tea for you.
Read MoreIf you have a near empty pickle jar full of juice in your fridge, don't throw it out. Because while we may have taken pickle juice for granted in the past as surplus liquid we didn't need, its having a real moment in the food world, and it's a discovery that looks like it will be around for a while.
Read MoreWe know them best as the purple-colored additions that add zing to our smoothie drinks and bowls. Açaí may be a fairly new (and trendy) addition to our diets, but they've been a staple among Brazil's indigenous peoples for generations now, and these berries are a serious superfood.
Read MoreIt is a fact, nearly universally acknowledged, that any weight you lose while on a diet inevitably returns to haunt you. It's a question of when, not if. Enter reverse dieting, which Healthline calls "the diet after the diet," because it involves increasing your calorie intake over many weeks.
Read MoreThere is all kinds of propaganda telling us that it's bad to drink, but some say booze like scotch in moderation can actually have health benefits.
Read MoreHealth officials like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) would like to remind you that now is not the time to make your own hand sanitizer.
Read MoreIf you're looking to get pregnant, timing is everything. What's the best time of day to get pregnant?
Read MoreWhile hypochondriacs are the butt of numerous jokes, there's really not much to laugh about should you be sharing your life with anyone afflicted with illness anxiety disorder. But how can you tell if your partner is, in fact, a hypochondriac?
Read MoreWe've always thought of parsley as the pretty green garnish that can either sit close to the end of your plate or on top of your dish. For many of us, parsley is an afterthought. But the next time you are served parsley, you might want to pick it up and munch on it instead of giving it a hard pass.
Read MoreHaving fruity-scented breath could be a sign that your body isn't working as it should.
Read MoreIf you're lactose intolerant and are allergic to nuts, there is still one dairy-free, plant-based alternative milk you can consider — coconut milk. What happens to your body if you drink it every day?
Read MoreIn the absence of any known vaccine or treatment against the coronavirus, hand washing could well become the most effective line of defense against the disease.
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