• Jane Fonda's TikTok Workouts Are Just What You Need Right Now

    Like so many of us during quarantine, Jane Fonda has downloaded TikTok. In her first video, she showed off some workout moves, but don't break out your yoga mats just yet. These workouts are about way more than just exercising. Fonda is also using the platform to advocate for something important.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • The Truth About Cleaning Your Phone With Disinfectant Wipes

    If you think a toilet seat is the most disgusting thing out there, think again. State Food Safety warns that if you were to compare a toilet set, doorknob, and mobile phone in terms of bacteria per square inch, it would be no contest, with phones carrying a whopping 25,127 bacteria per square inch.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • What You Should Know Before Sanitizing Your Groceries

    It seems like a long time ago, but among the things we used to do regularly — and take for granted — included buying groceries, bringing them home, unpacking bags, and then putting them away. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, whether or not you need to sanitize your groceries has become a hot topic.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • When You Drink Diet Coke Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

    Almost half of Americans drink diet soda every day and while you might assume that Diet Coke is better than regular Coke, it can still harm your body in a multitude of ways. Thanks to some of its many unpronounceable ingredients, this is exactly what happens when you drink Diet Coke every day.

    By Korey Denton Read More
  • What Really Causes Canker Sores?

    Canker sores are small, they can be white or yellowish, and they can hurt like nobody's business. But just what causes them to develop in the first place?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • The Truth About Your Root Chakra

    It's always a good time to give some attention to the grounding power that is your root chakra (or Muladhara). When broken down, the word means root (mula) and support or base (adhara) in Sanskrit, and the root chakra is the foundation for stability and security.

    By Sara Ryan Read More
  • The Real Reasons Allergies Are Worse At Night

    It's allergy season, and everyone around you is suspicious your sniffles are contagious. But the aggravation doesn't end there — you get home and find that once the sun goes to sleep you can't seem to do the same because your symptoms worsen. Why do allergies get worse at night?

    By Sara Ryan Read More
  • The Real Reason You Should Have Sage In Your Home

    With more and more people suggesting we try burning sage, we can't help but feel the need to jump on board immediately. But not before we get some questions answered, like what's the real reason you should have sage in your home? What does it do and, more importantly, how does it actually work?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Reason Pro Athletes Are So Into Cupping Therapy

    Cupping therapy has long been the go-to for the rich and famous, but Olympians and pro athletes have followed suit, with swimmers, in particular, appearing at competitions covered in the tell-tale signs they've been indulging in cupping therapy. But why are they so taken with the therapy?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Surprising Effects Of Vitamin E Oil For Your Skin

    Vitamin E, while it is found in many foods and can also be taken in supplement form, is perhaps best known as the skin care vitamin. Vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory, so it can help reduce reddening, thickening, and swelling of damaged skin.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The One Thing You Should Never Do With Chapped Lips

    Chapped lips are hard to escape at the best of times, but luckily thanks to the likes of Chapstick and Carmex, they're usually pretty easy to treat. There is one thing, however, that many people can't help but do when they have chapped lips, which is actually counterproductive.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Signs You May Be Allergic To Cats

    Did you recently visit your cat lady friend and notice you felt a little itchy and sneezy afterward? Unfortunately, you may be allergic to the cute pets. About 10 percent of people are thought to be allergic to our cats, and one in seven kids seem to have childhood allergies related to felines.

    By Sara Ryan Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Water Fasting

    Water fasting refers to the practice of abstaining from all food and beverages other than water. But there's more to know about water fasting than that!

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • When You Drink Ginger Tea Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

    Ginger tea has been used for a number of centuries and for a variety of reasons, but you may just be coming around to the beverage. Curious to learn what happens to your body when you drink ginger tea every day? The List consulted experts about the so-called healthy drink and have the answers.

    By Cat Lafuente Read More
  • Can Honey Really Clear Up Eczema?

    It might seem like the strangest (and stickiest) thing you could possibly put on your skin, but honey might actually be a powerful, natural eczema treatment.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • How To Avoid Back Pain While Working From Home

    If you've found yourself working from home in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, you are far from alone. More and more people are working remotely as the outbreak spreads. While working from home helps maintain social distancing and keeps people safer, it comes with its own set of challenges.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Can Probiotics Really Boost Your Mood?

    We've always considered probiotics as being beneficial for gut health, but there are researchers that say probiotics might be good at lifting your mood as well. But the reason why this is the case is a bit convoluted.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • How Far Can A Cough Really Travel?

    Many of us are diligently washing our hands, practicing social distancing. But is six feet enough to avoid someone's cough?

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Why You Shouldn't Use 'Family Cloth' Reusable Toilet Paper

    While there are a number of different options that can be used to substitute toilet paper, one which has been gaining ground lately is something called, rather off-puttingly, "family cloth" — basically, it's a form of reusable toilet paper made with cloth.

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • The Truth About Bed Wedge Pillows

    Bed wedge pillows might look like a strange and potentially uncomfortable twist on the standard pillow, but they can actually help you sleep more comfortably. Verywell Health says that wedge pillows tend to be constructed of firm foam and are made to form a 30 to 40 degree angle.

    By Maria Scinto Read More