• Do Pore Strips Really Work?

    The pore strip debate has been hot and heavy for a few years now, and the beauty tool has been a staple in the DIY beauty world and in pop culture for ages (you know the scene in Princess Diaries where Mia rips one off her nose). Regardless of their cultural impact, dermatologists have a few qualms.

    By Logan Cross Read More
  • The Best Way To Remove Eyelash Extensions

    Name one reality TV star who doesn't wear eyelash extensions. We certainly can't. From the entire Kardashian/Jenner clan, to the leading ladies of the Real Housewives franchise, to every spin-off in the Bachelor franchise, it's clear eyelash extensions are having a major beauty moment.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Do Eyelash Extensions Ruin Your Eyelashes?

    If you've never had eyelash extensions done because you're terrified the procedure will (eventually) leave your eyes bald and lashless, you're in good company. And if you've done them before and you are convinced they leave your lashes thinner and more sparse, you could be right.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is How Often You Should Really Be Getting A Haircut

    We all want thick, luscious locks, but is it better to just leave your hair growing for months on end or cut it more frequently to keep it healthy and fresh? As with the many differing opinions on how often hair needs to be washed, when we need to cut it is just as much of a minefield.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Reason You Should Stop Using Dry Shampoo

    However, as more and more people utilize dry shampoo around the world, concerns have grown about the potential risks associated with its frequent use. Dry shampoo may be convenient but it can also potentially lead to hair breakage, clogged follicles, or even hair loss in the long term.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • Here's Why You Shouldn't Wash Your Face In The Shower

    It seems like the most natural thing in the world, but in spite of the convenience, washing your face in the shower could be doing more harm than good. However, certain experts believe it's not the worst thing in the world we could be doing and it shouldn't cause too much damage.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of CoverGirl

    CoverGirl is positively iconic, and you don't have to wear makeup to know that. And there is more to the company than gorgeous celebs and affordable makeup.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • Is Popping Pimples Bad For You?

    We've been taught, ever since we were acne-prone teenagers, to leave our pimples alone. Sometimes, it's just too tempting, or they look so gross that squeezing them is the only way to get rid of them. Is popping pimples really that bad, or can we get away with doing it every once in a while?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • Does Sunscreen Really Expire?

    You've had the same old bottle of sunscreen kicking around in your closet for... well, a few years now. It's okay to use it, right? The answer is: maybe, or maybe not.

    By Monica Beyer Read More
  • The Scary Reason You Shouldn't Leave Dry Shampoo In Your Car

    Dry shampoo is an amazing tool that can get you through a day when you don't have enough time to hop in the shower, or have a need to freshen up before a night out. However, there are certain places where you don't want to store your can of dry shampoo, as a Missouri woman just found out.

    By Monica Beyer Read More
  • The Reason Why We Have Eyelashes

    Eyelashes can be an amazing asset to have, but when you think about it, why do we have these long whisker-like things protruding from the edges of our eyes? Humans from long ago had way more hairy body parts than the modern-day human, but even as we've lost much of our body hair, eyelashes remain.

    By Monica Beyer Read More
  • What Is Eyebrow Tinting And Is It Safe?

    The right pencils, serums, and other trusty makeup products can help us achieve fuller eyebrows, but those looking for something a bit more permanent are increasingly turning to eyebrow tinting as their go-to beauty treatment.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Maybelline

    When you think of Maybelline, images of pink and green tubes of mascara probably come to mind. But Maybelline sells more than just mascara.

    By Brittany Brolley Read More
  • Does Vaseline Help Eyebrows Grow?

    Our eyebrows play an important part in protecting our eyes, and also help us communicate with our fellow humans through facial expression.

    By Christine Liwag Dixon Read More
  • What Really Happens If You Use Expired Makeup

    Expiration dates can be confusing when it comes to food — sometimes it's important to follow them, sometimes you can safely ignore them. But what about makeup? Do those expiration dates really matter?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • This Is What Coconut Oil Does For Your Hair

    Coconut oil isn't just a trendy alternative to other cooking oils. It's also a surprisingly versatile beauty product that can work wonders on your hair. As Helen West, RD, writing for Healthline notes, regular washing, brushing, and styling with heat weakens hair over time.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About CoolSculpting

    CoolSculpting promises to melt inches away, helping you get rid of that double chin or flabby belly. But how exactly does it work?

    By Cat Lafuente Read More
  • Does Vaseline Help Eyelashes Grow?

    We all want longer, thicker, and fuller eyelashes. Why else would so many Z-list celebrities be shilling their own personal brand of falsies? Those looking to stay as natural as possible, however, must rely on more inventive beauty tricks.

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Truth About Brown Eyes

    Perhaps the most underrated and under-celebrated eye color is brown. What are some of those need-to-know facts about them? Here's the truth about brown eyes.

    By Cat Lafuente Read More