• The Reason Your Shower Water Might Be Damaging Your Hair

    It seems counterintuitive to think that something that we do every day, and which is supposed to be beneficial, could actually be ruining a part of our bodies. We're talking about showers, and how they may be affecting our hair in ways we haven't even thought about.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is What Happens When You Stop Shaving Your Legs

    Shaving your legs is such a chore. It adds quite a bit of time to the daily shower routine, and is something many women gladly slack off on, or even skip altogether, once the weather turns colder. What happens, though, when spring rolls around and you still don't feel like picking up a razor?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • What Exactly Does A Hot Oil Treatment Do To Your Hair?

    Hot oil hair treatments are slowly trickling into the mainstream, and just like every other hair and beauty trend, we want to know all about them. What is a hot oil hair treatment? And, more importantly, what does a hot oil hair treatment actually do for hair?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Will Baking Soda Actually Help My Acne?

    In terms of home remedies for acne, baking soda is on the list for many. In fact, baking soda is used in many beauty routines. Some just make a paste or mix with water, while others tend to add it to their cleanser. But what does baking soda do to your skin? Does baking soda actually help acne?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • What Really Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

    Have you ever woken up after fewer than seven or eight hours of sleep with dark circles under your eyes and wondered how on earth they got there? While many believe lack of sleep is the cause of dark circles under your eyes, this is not entirely true.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • This Is What Happens When You Stop Washing Your Face

    Between work, household chores, and family obligations, we may not have the time to indulge in 12-step beauty routines. But skip the face washing altogether, and Allure warns you may find dry skin becoming more dull, and oily skin getting oilier.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • The Fastest Way To Make Your Razor Bumps Go Away

    If you've ever continuously shaved any part of your body, it's likely you will have experienced razor bumps at one point or another. Here's how to get rid of them, or prevent them from happening in the first place.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Best Way To Fight Dry Skin In The Winter

    If there's one thing we hate about the winter, it's how it affects our skin. As soon a there's bitterness in the air, there's bound to be some part of our body that can't handle it, especially the parts that are exposed — like our face or hands.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Truth About Putting Glycolic Acid On Your Face

    Glycolic acid is the skincare buzzword of the moment, but what is it all about, anyway? Not only are beauty brands are all over the world incorporating the ingredient into their products, both new and old, but it's also said to be a complete game-changer. What exactly does glycolic acid do?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • The Best Botox Alternatives To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

    While there are those of us who have charted a clear path to Botox since we first heard about it, there are others who are willing to try a few other things before entertaining the thought of using a needle to inject the toxin that causes food poisoning into a facial muscle.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • You've Been Using Color Corrector The Wrong Way This Whole Time

    It's hard to imagine a world without color corrector. The popular makeup technique has saved many of us from looking too tired at work after a late night and hidden a hangover by brightening complexions and minimizing redness. But as it turns out, many of us have been using color corrector wrong.

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • This Is What Salicylic Acid Actually Does To Your Skin

    Salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid derived from willow bark (via Allure), may be best known as a topical acne treatment, but it can also be found as an ingredient in products meant for aging skin. How could this be? How does salicylic acid fight both pimples and wrinkles?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Secret Ways You Can Use Baking Soda In Your Beauty Routine

    Baking soda isn't just something you keep in your fridge to absorb odors. There are actually a wealth of household hints and hacks that make use of baking soda. Did you know, though, that baking soda is also one of those household items you can use for cosmetic purposes?

    By Maria Scinto Read More
  • Do Phones Cause Acne?

    Here's a horrifying fact: Cell phones can carry 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. While the bacteria on our cell phones can be problematic if transferred to your eyes, nose, or mouth, it's something else on the surface of your smartphone that could be causing breakouts.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • Signs That Your Hair Needs Some Extra Oil

    Is your hair frizzy, lifeless, or dull looking? If so, it may need some extra oil for nourishment. Oil treatments can hydrate your mane for a healthier, shinier look. Not sure if your hair is in need of oil? Here are some signs that it's the right treatment for you.

    By S. Nicole Lane Read More
  • You've Been Shampooing Your Hair Wrong This Entire Time

    Plenty of us are actually washing our hair completely wrong. Those who dye their hair regularly are more likely to have an intricate routine mapped out, while others, with a more relaxed approach, might prefer a quick wash and air dry. Is there really a way to wash your hair wrong?

    By Joey Keogh Read More
  • The Real Purpose Of Purple Color Corrector

    Color corrector is a skin savior, but with so many different shades on offer it's hard to remember what color addresses what skin concern. Purple is generally available in lilac and lavender tints, but what is it really used for?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Signs That Your Skin Needs To Be Exfoliated

    The trick is being able to tell when our skin needs help clearing up the backlog — and thankfully, more often than not, our skin lets us know if we can read the signs that we need to exfoliate.

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • This Is How You Should Dry Brush Your Skin

    Dry brushing is one of those beauty rituals that almost sounds too good to be true. Boasting desirable benefits such as soft skin and reduced cellulite, it's something we all should be doing but don't. What's the right way to do it, though?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More
  • Is A Korean Skincare Routine Right For Your Skin?

    Since Korean beauty products came on the scene, we've been treated to a host of new products (essences, ampoules, and sheet masks), ingredients (snail slime?), and beauty regimens that involve more process steps than a high school or college chemistry experiment. Is it right for you?

    By Hope Ngo Read More
  • Does Dry Brushing Actually Work?

    If you're interested in beauty and wellness, it's likely you've heard of dry brushing. If not, it's worth learning about, as the popular wellness ritual is said to tone skin, reduce cellulite, and assist in the removal of toxins. Does it really work, though?

    By Phoebe McRae Read More