Tory Tustin

Photo of Tory Tustin
Vinaròs, Castellón, Spain
University Of Massachusetts Amherst, Bond University
Women's Beauty And Fashion, Lifestyle And Self-improvement, Self-care And Health
  • Victoria has a passion for providing women with life hacks to improve their well being, such as quick home workouts, skincare tips, and ways to improve their overall lifestyle.
  • She loves taking note of upcoming yearly trends during Fashion Week in some of the biggest cities in the world, and that makes her writing about women's clothing trends in society so much more credible and lively.
  • Tory's knowledge in the blockbuster film industry's biggest upcoming movies and stars as well as her love for any genre of film criticism/review makes her extremely capable to research and write about entertainment news.


Victoria (Tory) has written for many other media outlets during her undergraduate career as a journalist. She has written for Society19, Celebrity Page, and Her Campus Media. She has covered a plethora of subjects ranging from pop culture news to fashion tips and tricks as well as women's health advice. She was also an editor for her University's Her Campus Media chapter as well as a writer. She has traveled to multiple different countries which has given her insight into the needs and desires of all cultures of women around the world.


Victoria received her Bachelor of the Arts in Journalism at the University of Massachusetts Amherst whilst also spending a semester at Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia. She also minored in Spanish and attained a certificate in Film Studies. She is a versatile student with experience in many different fields and clubs such as Her Campus Media and UMass's school newspaper The Daily Collegian. She is a second place recipient of the Charles Moran best text contest.

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Stories By Tory Tustin