Shanon P

Photo of Shanon P
California, USA
University Of California, Santa Barbara
Movies, Video Games, Interior Decor
  • Shanon has been writing for as long as she can remember; it used to be a dream diary, now it's full scale articles!
  • With over five years of experience as a professional writer, she knows the ins and outs of crafting a compelling narrative.
  • She loves to learn about new trends, topics, and products, so no niche goes untouched, especially if it challenges her.


Shanon got her start writing script coverage for film agency XYZ Films, as well as news articles for her hometown's main television station. She worked in product marketing for nearly two years after that, which gave her experience with social media management, e-commerce writing, and sales. She loves to learn about new trends, topics, and products, so no niche goes untouched, especially if it challenges her prior knowledge.


She studied Film and Media at the University of California, Santa Barbara, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2017.

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Stories By Shanon P