Sam Levitz

Photo of Sam Levitz
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn College
Health & Wellness, Entertainment, Food, Living
  • Sam has previously worked as a blog writer and freelance writer for her own personal blogs and international blogs such as and The Good News Network.
  • She also has experience as an a copy writer for various clients on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • She is the author of The Official Friends Quiz and Fill-In Book!, which comes out April 2022.


Sam has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She has experience running two blogs, one about online dating and one about living as a Millennial and mental health. In addition to her own personal blog posts, she has written for online publications such as and The Good News Network. Her first book, The Official Friends Quiz and Fill-In Book!, is available in bookstores April 2022.


During her college years, Sam took many creative writing courses, which allowed her to develop a writing style that has its own voice. She's able to connect with readers through her writing on personal and meaningful levels.

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Stories By Sam Levitz