Rebecca Rovenstine

Photo of Rebecca Rovenstine
New York, NY
Southern Nazarene University, Oklahoma State University
Television, Beauty, Food
  • Rebecca is TV-obsessed; there isn't a science fiction show she hasn't watched. Even her child/dog is named after a Battlestar Galactica character.
  • Rebecca not only reviews and discusses food, but she even has a foodstagram that's just for showcasing restaurants in NYC.
  • Ever since sneaking on make-up in elementary school, Rebecca has become an expert in beauty and skincare. From sunscreen to red lipstick, she can give you advice on all things beauty.


Rebecca is a freelance writer that has covered everything from food to beauty, and even healthcare. She has written for publications including The Huffington Post and Eat This, Not That!


Rebecca has a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from Southern Nazarene University and master's degrees in Communication Disorder and Sciences from Oklahoma State University. Go Pokes!

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Stories By Rebecca Rovenstine