Megan Scott

Photo of Megan Scott
North Carolina
Shenandoah University
Food, Cooking, Lifestyle
  • Megan is the Talent Acquisition Manager for Static Media.
  • She got her start in food writing by learning all she could about food from chefs in her community and putting these experiences down in words for The Coast Magazine.
  • In a continuing effort to pack food and drink into every corner of her life, Megan helps her mom run a spice and tea shop on the Outer Banks.


Megan has contributed to The Coast Magazine, a print publication in her home town of the Outer Banks, where she interviewed local chefs, convinced them to teach her how to make their favorite dishes, and wrote about their best (and sometimes secret) tips and tricks. Doubling down on her fascination with all things edible and drinkable, Megan and her mom opened a spice and tea shop in Duck, NC in 2017. Megan's habit of spending way too much time thinking about food eventually landed her a writing gig here at Mashed, where she soon developed a passion for helping other freelance writers share their words with the world. Now, in her role as Talent Acquisition Manager, she proudly helps find and recruit talented individuals for all of Static Media's brands.


Megan attended Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia where she gained a deeper appreciation for writing and literature.

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Stories By Megan Scott