Kay Banks

Photo of Kay Banks
United States
The University Of Alabama At Huntsville
Food Trends On TikTok, Food Trivia, One-Skillet Recipes
  • Kay's lifelong love of cooking stems from watching her mom and grandmother prepare meals for her family. She can name every single Food Network chef (although no one can top Rachael Ray).
  • In her free time, Kay is working her way through Tasty's recipe collection.
  • Kay is working on a self-published cookbook surrounding one-skillet recipes.


Kay has been freelance writing for the past six years. Her work has appeared in The Inquisitr, The Tempest, All Women's Talk, and more. She's also ghostwritten lifestyle content for various blogs and individuals. Over the years, Kay has primarily written celebrity news and lifestyle content, but she's recently started writing for Mashed, where she covers food trends and TikTok hacks.


Kay graduated from The University Of Alabama at Huntsville with a bachelor's in English.

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Stories By Kay Banks