Kelly Corbett

Photo of Kelly Corbett
Stamford, CT
The College Of New Jersey
Celebrity Gossip, Reality TV, Comedy
  • Kelly was inspired to become a writer after watching way too many New York City-based rom-coms in the early 2000s.
  • Passionate about entertainment journalism, she is always up-to-date on the latest celebrity news and gossip.
  • She has interviewed Olivia Wilde, Hilary Duff, Jenny Slate, Jason Biggs, and other celebrities throughout her career.


Kelly has been professionally writing for the web for almost a decade with a focus on entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle news. She got her start in the editorial business at Adventure Media and Events, where she played with and reviewed children's toys for a living. She's also worked on the Parents Magazine social media team, the House Beautiful news team, and as an associate TV editor at Distractify.


Kelly has a bachelor's degree in journalism and professional writing from The College of New Jersey.

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Stories By Kelly Corbett