Kate Prince

Photo of Kate Prince
Oxford, United Kingdom
The Open University
Celebrity News, Lifestyle Tips & Hacks, The Royal Family
  • Kate has been writing features for The List since April 2022.
  • Her favorite articles to write for are those based on celebrity lifestyles and the royal family.
  • As a Brit, she has been fascinated with everything royal since she visited London for the first time as a little girl.


Kate has worked as a freelance writer since 2017. In 2023, she joined Static Media to return to what she truly loves — delivering top-quality content centered on lifestyle and entertainment. While studying for a degree in creative writing and navigating single parenthood, Kate began to work on feature articles for numerous brands. Alongside writing news and feature articles on life hacks, business, celebrities, parenting, and beyond, she discovered a passion for scriptwriting. Kate has worked with multiple online publications, TV channels, and YouTube brands, including Collider, ScreenRant, Trendchaser, Investing Magazine, and more. She was also the script editor for Crealon Media, overseeing content creation for multiple channels and managing a team of over 20 writers.


Kate studied creative writing at The Open University.

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Stories By Kate Prince