Elizabeth Ward

Photo of Elizabeth Ward
Louisville, KY
University Of Louisville
Celebrity Gossip, Dating, Beauty
  • Her article written for YourTango titled "15 Heartbreaking Lana Del Rey Lyrics About The One Who Got Away" became a top story on Google in 2019.
  • She has interviewed many distinguished dating and relationship experts who have also been featured in The New York Times, Bustle, Glamour, and Psychology Today.
  • She enjoys writing content about dating and relationships because she's a hopeless romantic also navigating the dating scene who enjoys using her own personal experience to help others.


During her senior year of college, Elizabeth completed an editorial internship with YourTango. Since she graduated college in 2019, Elizabeth has written and published over 100 articles ranging from current events to dating advice. As a feature writer for The List, her work specializes in relationships, current trends, beauty, and pop culture.


Elizabeth received her bachelor's degree in communication with a concentration in writing from the University of Louisville.

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The List's lifestyle content is created by an authoritative collaboration of editors, writers, and experts representing the ever-evolving world of style, beauty, wellness, relationships, entertainment, and more.

Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Elizabeth Ward