Amanda Davis

Photo of Amanda Davis
San Francisco, CA
News, Entertainment And Culture, Beauty, Lifestyle
  • Amanda is an editor at
  • Amanda is a contributor at with a focus on entertainment and culture.
  • Amanda has freelanced for Outspoken, Joy, Sierra Magazine, and more, covering news, beauty, and lifestyle topics.


Amanda is a culture and entertainment writer and editor based in California. Along with The List, she's been published in Popsugar, Scary Mommy, Sierra Magazine, Outspoken, and more.


Amanda has a B.A. in Journalism and American Studies.

The List Editorial Policies

The List's lifestyle content is created by an authoritative collaboration of editors, writers, and experts representing the ever-evolving world of style, beauty, wellness, relationships, entertainment, and more.

Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Amanda Davis