Aly Walansky

Photo of Aly Walansky
Brooklyn, NY
CUNY Brooklyn College
Food, Cocktails, Travel, Lifestyles
  • Aly has been a food writer for about two decades, with her content appearing in publications ranging from Food & Wine to Food Network. Her food coverage has led to her traveling the world in order to learn more about ingredients, sourcing, cooking and chef techniques.
  • She has studied wine, mixology, cocktail history, and written about these for many different outlets.
  • She has traveled to multiple countries and contents as a travel writer, often covering travel from a culinary or wine focus.


Aly Walansky has been a freelance writer and editor for 20 years, writing for major publications ranging from to Forbes and many others. She's written about topics ranging from beauty and wellness to pets and travel. But her passion lies in culinary writing, where she focuses on everything from ingredient sourcing and history to stretching home pantry ingredients for those on a budget or with limited space and kitchen availability.


Aly has a bachelors in journalism.

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Stories By Aly Walansky