The Real Reason Donald Trump Is Ripping Into Fox News

It's no secret that former president Donald Trump has been at war with the media, believing from the very beginning of his political life that coverage of him was unjust (via The Washington Post). The 45th president found various opportunities to share his dislike for news sources, and would even go after journalists themselves while in office.


Sometimes, Trump would fire back at publications during media appearances on other networks. In one instance, he stated, "It amazes me when I read The Wall Street Journal, which is always so negative," adding, "It amazes me when I read The New York Times, it's not even — I barely read it, you know, we don't even distribute it in the White House anymore, the same thing with The Washington Post."

Most of the time, however, the twice-impeached president spoke out against mainstream news networks online. He went as far as posting a photoshopped video of himself tackling the CNN logo, making his opinion about "The Most Trusted Name in News" clear (via NBC News).

Trump did find allies in the media, however, with the New York Post and Fox News often covering him in a way he found acceptable. He even appeared on Fox News for his first interview following the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home. However, he recently lost the Post as an ally, and it seems he is frustrated with his friends at Fox as well.


Trump took to Truth Social to sound off about Fox News

Former president Donald Trump recently went on a rant against his former ally in the media, Fox News. According to Business Insider, the outburst took place on Truth Social, the platform Trump created after he got the boot from Twitter.


"Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day," wrote the former president. "So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed."

He then set his sights on Karl Rove, a former Republican White House official who has a show on the network. "RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time — Has a big record of losing!" Trump wrote. "Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the 'pervert' purchased ads."

The last part of Trump's post references The Lincoln Project ads that the network runs. He appears to be taking aim at allegations against some of the founders of The Lincoln Project, a political action committee founded by Republicans in an attempt to prevent Trump from winning re-election in the 2020 race.


