Samantha Markle Makes More Disturbing Allegations Against Meghan

Samantha Markle isn't giving up without a fight. Back in March, the Duchess of Sussex's estranged half-sister sued her for defamation over claims made in her Oprah Winfrey interview with Prince Harry. As TMZ reported at the time, the "Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister Part 1" author claimed Meghan Markle had fabricated a "rags to royalty" story about her upbringing in order to endear herself to the public when, in reality, she led quite a charmed life growing up.


According to Samantha, Meghan branded herself an "only child," in an effort to paint Samantha and their father, Thomas Markle, in a bad light, so she could make herself look better. Likewise, Samantha clarified the half-siblings were in closer contact than the former actor claimed and she didn't change her name to Markle after the duchess became a royal. Thus, her alleged lies are all part of a concerted effort to stop the family from interfering with or contradicting "the false narrative and fairytale life story" she created.

Sales of Samantha's book were negatively affected as a result, leading to a loss of income and a lack of work opportunities elsewhere. In response to the filing, Meghan's attorney, Michael Kump, described the lawsuit as "baseless and absurd." Meghan took action against her sister's defamation lawsuit by filing to dismiss it, per Newsweek, decrying the action as utterly meritless. But now, Samantha has doubled down, claiming she has proof.


The duchess's estranged sister claims to have proof of her lying

Per Newsweek, Meghan Markle's estranged sister contends she has "actual proof of the falsity" of statements the Duchess of Sussex made both in her interview with Oprah Winfrey, and which were documented in "Finding Freedom" including, notably, that Samantha Markle lost custody of her kids at one point. Samantha's lawyer, Jamie Sasson, asserts his client has a "viable claim" to continue with the case despite Meghan's legal team clarifying when she described herself as "an only child" it was a "subjective," rather than objectively factual, statement.


Moreover, Meghan didn't write "Finding Freedom," so she can't be held personally responsible for its contents. Sasson argued that there's only one way to interpret someone referring to themselves as an only child, which painted Samantha as a liar. Likewise, the duchess noting Samantha changed her name and following it up with "I think that says enough" was "defamatory." Meghan's team shot back, "Saying that someone changed their name to be associated with another is not in-and-of-itself defamatory in any way."

Sasson also reportedly has emails to back up how the former "Suits" star assisted with "Finding Freedom," providing background info, for which they allege she's responsible. As The Guardian noted, the "Suits" star previously apologized for neglecting to inform a court hearing a breach of privacy case in relation to her father — which Meghan ultimately won — that she'd instructed an aide to help the authors of the book with their research.


An upcoming book is slated to set the record straight about Meghan Markle

A new Meghan Markle biography is flipping the script on the duchess' story, with "Finding Freedom" co-writer Omid Scobie looking to defend his friend following the publication of Tom Bower's incendiary "Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War between the Windsors." Newsweek reports that, judging by excerpts from the tell-all tome published by The Times, Meghan is presented in an unflattering light as both demanding and dull. She also had issues with everybody she came into contact with, including Prince William and Kate Middleton.


Bower, who's been branded the "undisputed Witchfinder General of modern biographers," is unrepentant about any potential damage the book may cause, gleefully telling Piers Morgan he hopes it negatively affects public opinion towards the Sussexes, and admitting, "I wouldn't be sad at all because they pose a real threat to the royal family." Scobie intends to redress the balance with his latest release, which is due out next year, per The Guardian. British publisher HarperCollins promised it will "have the world talking."

The Mirror even suggests the author will directly contradict some of Bower's most shocking allegations. Scobie had the Sussexes' support for "Finding Freedom," while "Revenge" was created without any input from the couple themselves or indeed their nearest and dearest. In fact, according to Express, Bower himself admitted to OK! magazine that Meghan did everything in her power to step people speaking to him.


