Royal Expert Highlights The Glaring Problem With Prince Harry's UN Speech

The Duke of Sussex has long captured attention even before the media spectacle caused by his and Meghan Markle's announcement that they were leaving royal life. Still, Prince Harry is being praised for how he has managed life outside the royal family


"Two years later, and without a penny from the British taxpayer, Harry has created the life he has long dreamed about," said Omid Scobie, royal expert and author of "Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Royal Family." (It should be noted that Scobie is a friend of the couple.)

Recently Harry took the stage at the United Nations in a bold move. In his UN speech, Prince Harry snuck in a tribute to Princess Diana. "On my wall, and in my heart every day, is an image of my mother and Mandela meeting in Cape Town in 1997," he said. 

Harry went on to praise the late South African leader and civil rights activist Nelson Mandela. "Then I looked at Mandela. Here was a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, asked to heal his country from the wreckage of its past and transform it for the future."


But some have raised eyebrows about Prince Harry's qualifications to speak at such an event now that he has left the royal family, including this royal expert.

Royal expert claims that Prince Harry is not qualified to speak at the United Nations

Although the Duke of Sussex seems to garner praise following most of his public appearances, one royal expert saw a glaring issue with his speech to the United Nations. Journalist Jonathan Sacerdoti told US Weekly that Prince Harry has "no qualifications" to comment on important issues affecting the world. 


"He's, literally, completely unqualified to have anything important to tell to people, but instead he's using his position as somebody in the British royal family to spread what he sees as an important message," he said.

The royal expert questioned whether Harry still held the privilege of speaking to such crowds after leaving his official royal duties. "Now, I'm not disputing whether it's an important message or not, but I am disputing whether or not he's really got any right to be spreading it to us at the same time as having told us, he doesn't like the attention of being a royal," Sacerdoti said.

More criticisms could arise with the upcoming tell-all biography about Harry and Meghan

After leaving the royal family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry faced scores of questions, criticisms, and attention. The British public seemed to turn on the ex-royals, and they are ranked as the second most unpopular royals by a Statista survey


Earlier in July 2022, news arose that might only create more bad blood between the British public and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A new biography about Meghan and Harry promises to expose the couple's secrets. Written by Tom Bower, the book is one that the ex-royals will dread, according to The Sun

Titled "Revenge: Meghan, Harry, and the War between the Windsors," the book's description reads (via Newsweek): "Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web surrounding the Sussexes and their relationship with the royal family. From courtroom dramas to courtier politics, using extensive research, expert sourcing, and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, this book uncovers an astonishing story of love, betrayal, secrets, and revenge."


