Prince Harry Is Being Praised By Fans For How He's Managing Life Outside The Royal Family

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, isn't having the best week. It started off well; he had the honor of delivering the keynote speech at the United Nations headquarters to mark Nelson Mandela Day. Harry snuck a tribute to Princess Diana into his address, alongside another to wife Meghan Markle, but the royal was widely criticized for having the gall to speak at the event at all. Royal author Tom Bower, who's written a bombshell tell-all about Meghan and Harry, even claimed the couple is fame-hungry. 


During an interview with Piers Morgan on TalkTV, Bower declared, "Everything is built around the future documentary series to promote the Sussexes" (via The Sun). The royal commentator, whose latest book, "Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between The Windsors," looks set to bring even more unwanted attention to the Sussexes, also argued that nobody was present to watch the prince speak anyway. Similarly, Meghan McCain branded the address anti-American and "woke."

In a scathing piece for the Daily Mail, the firebrand TV personality reminded the Duke of Sussex that "he is a guest here and not a guest who has been universally embraced by the American public." The duke has received praise elsewhere, though, as fans rally around him for having the courage to leave the royal family and venture out on his own. 


The Duke of Sussex has come a long way in two years

Omid Scobie, royal expert and author of "Finding Freedom," is defending Prince Harry against detractors. Writing for Yahoo! News, Scobie argued that, watching him deliver his speech at the UN General Assembly earlier this week, "it was clear to see just how far Prince Harry has come." The commentator pointed to how the Duke of Sussex grew up as a "spare heir" constantly seeking his purpose in life.


Scobie explained how breaking free of the royal family was the next logical step to becoming who he's always wanted to be. Plenty of people, even family-members, didn't believe it'd work, with a senior aide telling Scobie in 2020, "Honestly, he's setting himself up to fail." The insider contended Harry needed his royal title to succeed, echoing the thoughts of many others in The Firm, especially when it came to earning money. 

However, Scobie noted, "Two years later, and without a penny from the British taxpayer, Harry has created the life he has long dreamed about." Twitter fans agreed, with one writing, "What strength it took to create a meaningful life of service with a brilliant partner by his side. He could so easily have gone the other way." Another stated, "Spot on! I'm grateful that they didn't want an half in/half out option," while a third enthused, "So happy to watch him grow into the man he wants to be rather than the spare he was relegated to be."


A new tell-all biography threatens to destroy Meghan and Harry's reputation

The vote of confidence from Omid Scobie likely means even more to the Sussexes right now, since a new Meghan and Harry biography promises to expose their secrets. Initially reporting the news, The Sun described author Tom Bower as "one of the planet's most feared celebrity biographers," who's written tell-all books about the likes of Simon Cowell and businessman Bernie Ecclestone. 


Bower spent a year speaking to various people in the Sussexes' orbit, alongside their reputed enemies, with a source teasing, "This is the book Meghan will be dreading. Tom doesn't pull his punches, and is terrifyingly thorough in his research. No stone will be left unturned." Naturally, "Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between The Windsors," has been written without the couple's input. 

In fact, during an appearance on "Piers Morgan Uncensored," Bower boasted it may make the Sussexes even less popular, scoffing, "This book may hasten the downward trend, over which I wouldn't be sad at all because they pose a real threat to the royal family," per Newsweek. Among other things, Bower reportedly takes aim at Meghan for being difficult to work with and a "woke" killjoy among Harry's friends. 


The duke, meanwhile, allegedly showed "contempt" for brother Prince William and his wife, Catherine Middleton. Harry's own memoir, which Scobie put forward as another example of how he's reclaiming the narrative (via Yahoo! News), should help to redress the balance.

