Astrology Expert Reveals The Perfect Vacation Spot For A Taurus - Exclusive

People born under the earth sign of Taurus (April 20 – May 20), are the most sensual and grounded of the earth signs (via Allure). Though the symbol for a Taurus is a bull, you really need to imagine a bull lazing in a flower-dotted field on a summer day, not one running through a china shop, to truly understand the essence of this sign. They are true earth signs in every sense. They are hard workers who are not afraid to get their hands dirty or put in plenty of elbow grease to see their worldly goals realized. And on the flip side, they adore aesthetic and sensual pleasures, indulging happily in their favorite food and coffee and wine, and setting up their homes just so. 


Tarueans are deftly suited to romance as well, because they take seriously the idea of finding a life partner to incorporate into their perfectly-curated worlds, and they also love the pleasures and romance that can come from intimacy with the right person. Once committed, be it to a job or a partner, a Taurus will work tirelessly to make the very best of what they have chosen to invest in. They are loyal and loving and hardworking. 

So when a Taurus wants to take a break from it all, where is the best place for them to go to indulge their senses and relax their minds?  

The best place for a Taurus to vacation

According to Lifestyle Asia, the best place for a Taurus to go on vacation is the Amalfi Coast, Italy. Their thinking is that because Taurus is such a homebody, it takes a great deal to convince them to leave at all. They already have curated all of their favorite things and people into their lives. Why leave? So to lure a Taurus away, you need gorgeous landscapes and indulgent sensual experiences. The Amalfi Coast has all of that. 


We asked Astrologer Cameron Martin of Path and Purpose his thoughts on this destination for a Taurus. Here's what he told us: "The undisputed beauty of the Amalfi Coast is sure to please Dear Taurus. Grand villas on the rocky cliff sides, amazing vineyards, and picturesque beaches are just what Taurus needs to ground, rest, and enjoy themselves." 

So once a Taurus arrives at the Amalfi Coast, what are the best things for them to do and see?

What to do and see

According to Trip Advisor's page on the Amalfi Coast, there are countless opportunities for Taurus to get in touch with nature and indulge their love of good food, good wine, and beautiful things. Swimming in the enchanting waters of the coast, snorkeling, or renting a boat, are all wonderful options for appreciating the natural beauty of the region. And if you'd like to learn about the culture and history, consider taking a guided tour, by foot, by boat, or by bus! 


For sensual Taurus, taking a genuine cooking class to learn to make the authentic cuisine Italy is so famous for may make your taste buds and your heart sing. Wine tastings, restaurants, and nightlife spots abound, so there is always something for you to experience around the next corner.  

"Grab a glass of wine and enjoy the best fine dining Italy has to offer, Taurus," says Martin. "You may even believe that you've found heaven on Earth."

