If You're An Enneagram Type 2, Here's The Hairstyle You Should Try

Known as "The Helper," Enneagram Twos are the people pleasers. Selfless and the first to offer support in times of crisis, Twos can also be possessive and clingy due to their main fear of being abandoned. Because of this innate desire to help, they often play the role of "the servant" or "the host/hostess" in social settings, no matter which other Enneagrams they are paired up with.


If you're an Enneagram Two, you may already know which city you want to move to or which self-help book you should read, but feel stuck when it comes to a hairstyle. Hair is an important factor in feeling good for many of us, and yet it can be difficult to figure out the right style for you. Because so much of their basic personality type revolves around others, Twos could possibly feel awkward when it comes to focusing on themselves and their appearance. Still, they deserve to look as good as anyone else, and a hairstyle change could be just the thing to help achieve this. 

Enneagram Twos pride themselves on their kind and caring nature

Enneagram Twos have one main goal in life, and that is to help others (via Truity). They are often very caring towards others but sometimes neglect themselves in the process of caring for people. Because of this, Twos may not always focus on their hair and appearance.


Shine.Buzz states that women who identify as Enneagram Twos generally opt for ponytails or buns so they can help others physically without their hair getting in the way. If the hair is short, it's likely Twos would just clip it back out of their face if it cannot be tied up. These hairstyles are chosen due to their practicality and not whether they look good, though of course a ponytail can definitely up your hair game depending on how you style it. If you want a hairstyle that won't fall in your face but still looks polished, the slicked-back bun is a major trend for this year and will combine fashion and function for you.

As for men who are Enneagram Twos, most like to keep their hair short but not necessarily clean cut. They hold the view that, so long as their hair is out of the way, it doesn't matter what it looks like. This fits in with the Enneagram Two motto, which is all about putting others before yourself and being as helpful as possible (via Crystal Knows). 


Twos likely focus all their attention on others, but self care is key

You heard it here first, Enneagram Two — self care is important, and once you've mastered the no-fuss ponytail look that will help you give back to others, it's incredibly important to take some of that energy and focus on what you want, too. With that in mind, you may be looking for a wardrobe update to match your new hairstyle. As stated by Personality Path, Enneagram Twos are always ready to listen to their friends and partners. Their door is constantly open for those they love, which is why StyleCaster recommends that Twos dedicate some time to making friendship bracelets this summer. 


A main issue Twos suffer with is feeling that their love and time go unreciprocated. Friendship bracelets are the perfect way to solve this insecurity, as they are both a physical sign and a symbolic reminder of your relationship with another person. You could even turn the actual bracelet making part into a fun activity with your friend to get in some key quality time that will leave you feeling happy and fulfilled. Whenever you see the bracelet on your friend's arm as well as your own, you'll be reminded of the close bond you share with them. 

Overall, Twos should remember that they deserve to feel good and can spend time on their appearance as well as helping others out. 

