Here's What The June 21 Summer Solstice Will Mean For Fire Signs

Summer has arrived. The weather is getting warmer, the clothes are getting lighter, and heatwaves are beginning to make their rounds. As the days get longer, everyone gets a chance to bask in the summer vibes for a few hours more than usual. While you may have already felt summer brewing, the summer solstice on June 21 kicks things off officially. The summer solstice quite literally means the sun has reached its highest point in the sky, which is why we get to spend more hours of the day basking in it, per Elite Daily


The summer solstice is an exciting time for making plans, having sunset dinners, and getting a few extra tanning hours in. However, its spiritual meaning is so much more. "It's about celebrating the power of the light before we start moving towards darkness," expert Nicole Harley told Woman & Home, adding, "You can use this time to super-charge your own power, magic, and intentions for the rest of the year."

It may not be all fun and games, especially considering the fact that it coincides with the moon landing in Aries (March 21 – April 19), the sign of impulsive thoughts and feelings as well as fiery short tempers, per Co-star. Astrologer Narayana Montúfar explained to Well and Good that it's important during this summer solstice to "think before speaking or acting ... to avoid confrontation." And no surprise — this fiery impact of the sun during the summer solstice is especially impacting fire signs.


Emotions run high for Aries

Considering the moon lands in your sign, Aries, what better place to start than with you. Buckle up, because according to Elite Daily, this summer solstice is impacting you the most. On June 21 the sun will be shifting into your fourth house, and this means it's time to look inwards at your private life, family, and safety and reflect on whether it's time for a change, per Cafe Astrology.  


Channel your inner Beyoncé and embrace a renaissance moment and take the plunge of pursuing something that gets you fired up. As astrologer Narayana Montúfar suggests, per Well and Good, "This will allow you to bring a cherished goal to fruition or get more invested in a passion."

With your fiery sign already prone to impulse, think before choosing to confront anyone in your home during this summer solstice. A lot of emotions may be stirring up already due to the moon being in your sign, per Well and Good, but don't let them result in an unproductive explosion that causes more harm than good. Instead, channel your passion and fire into taking productive action. 

Relax, Leo

Of course, excitement and anticipation are at an all-time high for Leos (July 23–August 22) as your birthday season is right around the corner ... well, as far as Leos are concerned, it is. But, while your season is bound to be all about your fiery energy and celebrations, think of this summer solstice as the calm before the storm. 


Take this time to relax and rejuvenate, and get some serious R&R, per Elite Daily. Plan a solo getaway to a relaxing location or book a spa day. The sun landing in Cancer happens to pass through your 12th house of sleep and dreams, so use this as an excuse to completely chill out. 

While you rest, use your newfound headspace to do a bit of self-work. After all, your birthday is imminent, and what better time to reflect on how far you've come and how far you want to go. "Getting rest from the outside world will help you attain more clarity as you figure out what you want to bring to life in the year ahead," advises Narayana Montúfar, per Well and Good.

Give your relationships a look, Sagittarius

While your sister fire signs are going through introspective ups and downs, it's all about relationships for you Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21). With the summer solstice, the sun will shift into Cancer, bringing out your emotional side that thrives on self-growth, per Co-star. Elite Daily suggests you use this summer solstice to take stock of your current relationships. Are they bringing you joy? Is there anything you can do to improve them? Or more importantly, are any of them dragging you down? 


Narayana Montúfar explained to Well and Good that this summer solstice is the time for you to figure out the right balance of "give and take" in your relationships, Sagittarius. "Making adjustments to your intimate bonds can help unleash a new way for you to see the world around you," she advised.

Shortly after the summer solstice, Neptune will station retrograde on June 28 and that is going to call you to take action on uprooting your relationships and taking action to improve or let them go, per CBC. Tap into this summer solstice in sensitive Cancer to reflect on what changes you need to make.

