Fans Are Calling For Moriah Plath To Be On This Competition Series After Seeing Her New Hobby

Fans of TLC's "Welcome to Plathville" have watched in recent weeks as Moriah Plath struggled to handle her breakup with her boyfriend Max Kallschmidt, but now some have noted she seems to be moving on, if her social media updates are any indication. In the May 17 Season 4 premiere of the reality series that follows the sheltered Plath family of rural Georgia, Moriah revealed she and Max were no longer dating (per People). In Season 3, Moriah — who has always seemed to have the most trouble following her parents' rigid guidelines — moved to Tampa with her brother Ethan and his wife, Olivia. It was implied that Max would join them in a few months, but as the new season's episodes have revealed, the couple broke up before that could happen. 


"So, a couple weeks after I moved to Tampa, Max called me one night and just said he made a mistake," Plath says in a clip from the show. "I'm not going to go into details. Since then, I have been in a dark place." Subsequent episodes have revealed that Max was unfaithful to Moriah while she was away, and while the drama between the two is still unfolding on the series and impacting surprising members of the Plath family, Moriah's postings to Instagram have shown she seems to be in a better place now.

Moriah has taken up dancing as a hobby

Having traded her violet highlights for a new platinum blonde look, Moriah Plath has revealed on her Instagram account that she's currently taking ballroom dancing lessons at the Fred Astaire Dance Studios in Tampa. In a series of posts that show the reality star dancing with an instructor, Plath captioned one set of photos, "4th dance class! Ballroom dancing has been one of my favorite things I've done for myself recently!" She added that the dance studio has taught her a lot in a short amount of time. "I strongly encourage you to find something that makes you really happy and make time for it!" she wrote. "No excuses cause doing what makes you happy changes how you feel about yourself, your confidence, happiness and so much more!"


Of course, this led many in the comments to encourage the aspiring actress and singer to try out for another reality show. One person commented, "Hope to see you on 'Dancing With the Stars' someday." Another follower wrote, "'Dancing With the Stars' in your future? Is that show even still on? You'd be great!!!! So sad watching the latest Plathvillle episode. hope you can heal & move on in whatever direction feels right." 

