The Reported Reason Prince William Is Scared Of Conversing With Meghan And Harry

Recently, a source claimed Prince Harry and Prince William's feud started earlier than we thought, but, with each passing week, the brothers seem to be getting closer to reconciling. 

As Express notes, the problems began when Harry hooked up with Meghan Markle. The princes' relationship rapidly deteriorated after he married the "Suits" star and the two ultimately fled the royal family.


Despite how badly things have gotten in the intervening years, royal expert Robert Jobson maintains that there's still a lot of love between the brothers. Speaking on "The Royal Beat," he acknowledged that there's definitely room for them to fix things, but something may be getting in the way. "There is a lot of testosterone flying around here," he said.

According to the royal author, it won't take much for William and Harry to mend their relationship. "They probably just need, as I am sure the Queen would love, just one moment where they can gel again, have a hug, and then move on," he suggested.

The brothers haven't spent quality time together since the unveiling of their mother, Princess Diana's, statue in July 2021. Royal expert Katie Nicholl told ET that Harry is only willing to speak to his brother with a moderator present. "It was something that he had suggested to his father. He's made it very clear that he wants to sort things out. He wants things to be improved," she explained. 


The main issue may actually be Meghan, though, and the Sussexes' increasing celebrity status in the United States.

Prince William is concerned over his brother's outspoken nature

Prince William is concerned that his long-running feud with younger brother Prince Harry will be mined for content if he sits down to have a proper heart-to-heart with him. 

Sources confirm to The Sun that William is hesitant about trying to mend fences with Harry during the queen's upcoming Platinum Jubilee celebrations in case he discusses their private conversations in upcoming Netflix documentaries, similar to how Harry spoke out during the infamous Oprah Winfrey interview. 


William wasn't impressed when his brother discussed their difficult upbringing previously, and he's concerned that anything he says now could make it into Harry's upcoming autobiography.

The Sussexes have confirmed that they will be making the trip over for the celebrations, even though they won't be allowed to stand on Buckingham Palace's balcony for Trooping the Color. 

According to insiders, there are concerns about Meghan and Harry trying to steal the spotlight for themselves. "Kate and William would be foolish not to be suspicious and would be unwise not to be cautious," royal expert Tom Bower advised.

Although a film crew will be following the Sussexes around, they will be prevented from filming inside the palace in order to prevent Meghan and Harry from exploiting the events for their own gains. 


As People notes, only working royals are allowed to accompany the queen on the balcony, but, regardless, the celebrity couple has made it clear they're delighted to attend either way. 

Prince Charles had similar issues with his son doing interviews about their family

Prince William's fears about opening up to his brother echo those of their father. Prince Charles, who's been similarly estranged from his son following the jaw-dropping Oprah interview, wasn't happy about his youngest son's recent surprise meeting with the queen. 


And, during an appearance on GB News, royal author Robert Jobson claimed the Prince of Wales only agreed to speak very briefly to Harry and his wife Meghan Markle during their most recent visit "if nothing was said about him whatsoever on American TV." Harry allegedly turned up late, too, which didn't help matters. As a result, Harry has reportedly used up all of his chances with Charles.

The elder royal was concerned his son would head back stateside and immediately share everything they'd talked about with the world. "I think if he'd started blurting about that meeting, I think that would be the end of it for him and Harry," Jobson argued. "All families have problems, but you don't go blurting off to your next door neighbour as soon as you've had a meeting.


As the New York Post reported at the time, Harry caused major controversy when, during an interview on "Today," he claimed to be protecting the queen from negative outside influences, reasoning that they had an incredibly close relationship. Harry also confirmed he's more at home in the U.S. than in Britain and refused to acknowledge whether he missed his father and brother.

Prince William reportedly didn't want his brother to attend the Platinum Jubilee

Although it was a step in the right direction, a royal expert said Prince Harry's surprise visit with the queen only made a small dent in their rift, as there is plenty more work to be done. Whether they like it or not, the warring family members will be back together in June to celebrate the matriarch's Platinum Jubilee, so they'll have to put their differences aside. However, sources claim that, if Prince William had his way, his younger brother wouldn't be attending the event in the first place.


According to The Daily Beast, the Duke of Cambridge is concerned that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's presence will overshadow the queen. As one source revealed, "Last time Harry came to the U.K., William managed to be in the Alps. These things don't happen by accident. William is sick of the sight and sound of his kid brother. He doesn't want him there." Unfortunately, the boys' grandmother specifically requested Harry's attendance, so there's nothing William can do about it.

As former royal editor Emily Andrews explained, "William has played his cards very close to his chest throughout the whole thing and said nothing about it to anyone, so you can be sure he would not be actively agitating for Harry not to come." However, the fact Meghan and Harry will be staying at their old home, Frogmore Cottage, during the jubilee suggests the relationship isn't completely irreparable (via The Sun).


Prince Harry crossed the line when he claimed his brother and father were 'trapped'

They've been feuding for a while, but according to royal expert Robert Jobson, there's one particular comment Prince Harry made during his chat with Oprah Winfrey that his father and brother really can't get over. As The Mirror notes, Harry claimed Prince Charles and Prince Wiliam are "trapped" in their roles, just as he once was, acknowledging, "They don't get to leave, and I have huge compassion for that." Jobson countered that William, in particular, has never felt trapped by the monarchy. 


"I think Harry was putting words into his father and his brother's mouths, and maybe making an assessment based upon his feelings," he argued. Both Charles and William were incredibly hurt and angered by Harry's assertion. Although commentators are split right down the middle on whether the brothers can ever reconcile, let alone Harry and his father, for many of them, it all comes down to what's in the duke's upcoming book.

Regardless, Meghan and Harry are reportedly preparing for a difficult reunion with William and wife Kate Middleton when they arrive for the jubilee celebrations next month. The foursome, who were virtually inseparable at one point, last crossed paths at the Commonwealth Day Service, at which they barely spoke, per The Mirror


Considering the Sussexes will be prevented from taking part in many of the public-facing events since they're no longer working royals, the most awkward moments will likely happen behind closed doors.

