What Alison Pill Wants Fans Who Read All My Puny Sorrows To Know Before Seeing The Film - Exclusive

Before Alison Pill was set to star in "All My Puny Sorrows," she had read the novel back in 2015. "And I'd loved it," she said during an exclusive interview with The List. However, as excited as she was to be a part of the film adaptation, she was having trouble imagining that same story playing out on the big screen. "When I got the script, I was skeptical," Pill admitted.


Like many other fans of the novel, the actress didn't want to see one of her favorite books reimagined in a completely different way on film. Yet, she was shocked when she finally sat down to read the screenplay. "Mike McGowan's adaptation had found the essence of the struggle that these sisters have while also folding in the generational trauma and despair, and these questions of how sadness affects families," Pill shared. "He'd found this way through to a really cinematic way to tell the story, and I was overjoyed to be a part of it."

Now, before other fans make plans to see the film, Pill has something she wants them to all know.

The film sticks to the original story as much as possible

Seeing your favorite book as a film can be nerve-wracking. The characters seen on screen may not be the ones you imagined in your head. A scene you felt was somewhat important may have been completely cut. There may even be new ones written in to keep viewers on their toes. However, Alison Pill wants fans of "All My Puny Sorrows" to know that author Mirian Toews wrote some of the best lines in the film, too. "So much of the dialogue comes directly from her book," the actress told The List.


In fact, the entire cast and creative team worked their hardest to keep in as many details as they could from the novel to remain true to the story. "While also simplifying some of it for the sake of time," Pill added, laughing. "And space and mood."

When viewers get to the end credits, Pill wants them to walk away feeling the same way they did when they read the novel for the very first time. "I hope we've captured the essential relationship between the sisters," she said. "That people will see Yoli and Elf and recognize them from the book in the way they're portrayed and the way that Sarah [Gadon] and I have tried to capture them."

"All My Puny Sorrows" is now available for rental and purchase digitally and on demand.


