D.C.'s Lawsuit Against Donald Trumps Ends At A Huge Cost

Former President Donald Trump has become known for his legal troubles. His battles within the courts started as early as a few months after he took office (via Rolling Stone). He forked over $25 million to settle legal charges against Trump University, which scammed students out of millions of dollars. His legal woes from within the White House walls didn't end there. Soon after, he had to pay $2 million for shady dealings under the name of his charitable organization.


Once Trump was voted out of office, his legal issues only worsened. According to the BBC, he's facing several lawsuits. From his alleged role in the January 6th Capitol riots to claims that funds for his 2017 inauguration were misused, Trump is in deep with the American justice system.

While there is a chance he could face jail time, it's more likely that these court cases will end with hefty fines paid by the former president. Recently, one of these lawsuits came to a close with a giant price tag attached.

D.C. non-profits will see thousands in cash from Trump's settlement

When Former President Donald Trump left the White House in 2020 he was involved with 29 lawsuits  (via the Independent). The outlet reports that Trump has allegedly faced an alarming total of 4,000 cases, two impeachments and divorces, six bankruptcies, and 26 allegations of sexual assault. If he is indicted on criminal charges in any of these cases, he would be the first president in history to do so.


One of those lawsuits has officially come to a close and not at a small cost. According to AP News, Trump's businesses and inaugural committee have settled in a Washington D.C. court. The charges against the administration note that the committee overpaid for events at Trump's hotel, allowing the family to profit. Court documents note that the suit is being settled "to avoid the cost, burden, and risks of further litigation" and that the Trump organization "disputes these allegations on numerous grounds and denies having engaged in any wrongdoing or unlawful conduct," (via NPR).

The settlement of $750,000 will be paid to the court and distributed to nonprofits. Attorney General Karl Racine tweeted that this case sets a precedent, "We're resolving our lawsuit and sending the message that if you violate DC nonprofit law—no matter how powerful you are—you'll pay."


