One Of Prince Andrew's Most Controversial Friends Reportedly Had Zero Respect For Him

When the news broke that a billionaire who worked in finance and rolled in a tight-knit circle that included some of the world's biggest names, many were shocked. According to the BBC, the actions of those charged, which included sex trafficking, had been going on behind the scenes for years.


When Jeffrey Epstein was charged with his crimes, many of the high-profile names that he worked with began to come out. One of the most notable people on the list was Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II's son. While there were several accusations against Epstein and his cronies, Virginia Giuffre was brave enough to bring her stories to the public eye (via ABC News).

Prince Andrew was involved in a federal lawsuit with Giuffre. Her lawyer stated, "If she doesn't do it now, she would be allowing him to escape any accountability for his actions," continuing, "Virginia is committed to trying to avoid situations where rich and powerful people escape any accountability for their actions."

While Prince Andrew was a close friend of Epstein and was allegedly implicated in his crimes, it seems the billionaire's opinion of the prince wasn't what most assumed.


Epstein's true feelings about Prince Andrew comes out in new book

Jeffrey Epstein's true feelings about Prince Andrew have been made public in a new book obtained by the Telegraph. The book is called "The Palace Papers: Inside the House of Windsor — the Truth and the Turmoil" written by Tina Brown, a journalist who has worked with high-profile publications like The New Yorker and Vanity Fair.


In the book, shocking statements are made about Epstein's relationship with Prince Andrew. "Privately, Epstein told people that Andrew was an idiot, but — to him — a useful one," an excerpt from the book read. 

"A senior royal, even if tainted, is always a potent magnet abroad," she penned. "Epstein confided to a friend that he used to fly the Duke of York to obscure foreign markets, where governments were obliged to receive him, and Epstein went along as HRH's investment adviser. With Andrew as frontman, Epstein could negotiate deals with these (often) shady players" (via the New York Post).

It seems that Epstein was using Prince Andrew for his connections rather than for his friendship.

