Ted Cruz's Comment About Mr. T Has Twitter In A Tizzy

Okay, we are calling it — officially, anything can happen, because Senator Ted Cruz and Hollywood star Mr. T are in a social media feud. The controversial politician is going up against the iconic actor's many fans after he openly disparaged Mr. T's comments about electing to continue the practice of wearing a face mask three years into the COVID-19 pandemic.


Let's start with what Mr. T tweeted as an update to fans about his health status. With true Mr. T flair, the longtime tinseltown personality said, "I just received my 2nd Moderna booster vaccine, and I feel good! I am still going to wear my mask and keep my distance because the virus ain't over, Fool! Grrr." 

Soon, Cruz took it upon himself to comment on the tweet, and what he said has many folks in a tizzy given the nature of the republican's seemingly contradictory statement (via New York Post). "Bizarre," the Texas representative first tweeted, adding, "535 Members of Congress can attend the State of the Union without wearing masks, but it's still not good enough for Hollywood."

The thing is, according to Cruz's own site, he is a fierce defender of personal liberties. So naturally, Twitter took him to task on the attempted Mr. T takedown.


Twitter uses Ted Cruz's words against him in defending Mr. T

After Ted Cruz called out Mr. T's tweet declaring that he'd continue to wear a face mask even after having received a second COVID-19 booster shot, many social media users expressed their dismay without delay.


"It's called personal freedom. You should try it some day," one unimpressed Twitter user commented wryly. Seconded another likeminded person, "Are you saying some people (most) don't have the 'freedom' to get vaccinated or wear a mask, without you criticizing them?"

Indeed, a common thread emerged among critics of Cruz taking issue with Mr. T's COVID-19 stance as many tweets turned the senator's very own words against him. "Why should you care how anybody else wants to protect their own health? Bit of a government overreach don't you think?" questioned a Twitter user who was pointing out that Cruz has long stood for limited government.

Finally, many other Twitter users were struck by how "bizarre" it was that Cruz was opining on another person's medical choices. 


At time of writing, the Texan had not further commented on what is amounting to the latest of his many blunders.

