The Contraband Harvey Weinstein Snuck Into Jail Might Surprise You

When you fall from grace, you lose it all. That's something that convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein knows all too well. He said goodbye to his company, his family, and apparently all his favorite foods when he was sent to prison. 


The 69-year-old, who was found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act and sentenced to 23 years in prison, still gets meetings with his lawyer from time to time. This has reportedly led to contraband, and you might be surprised to hear what Weinstein was caught sneaking into his jail cell. 

A lot of things may come to mind regarding items you'd think someone would sneak into their cell, like maybe a certain magazine or photos of someone they love. However, that's not the case with Weinstein. Out of all the things that he could've possibly smuggled into his jail cell, he got caught sneaking in Milk Duds. Yes, it seems that Weinstein has a sweet tooth and there's a chance that the candy could've come from his lawyer, according to TMZ. This has forced Weinstein to apologize. 


If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

Harvey Weinstein's Milk Duds were a 'misunderstanding'

In July 2021, convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein was moved from a New York prison to a California prison to await even more charges against him. During that time, Weinstein got his hands on a box of Milk Duds, which, for the record, are not allowed to be on him in jail. According to TMZ, the Milk Duds were found in Weinstein's possession in November 2021, but the felon alleges that he brought them with him from the New York prison in July 2021. Now, we're not experts, but something tells us that even a large box of Milk Duds would've been consumed by then.


The problem is that, according to TMZ, it's believed that his lawyers snuck them in after a meeting. That's a bad look for someone who is going to go before the judge again soon. Weinstein later apologized to the judge calling it a "misunderstanding." In a statement from his rep Juda Engelmayer, Weinstein promised, "It will not happen again. I have been a model inmate, following the rules and regulations and I am sincerely sorry."

Weinstein may be spending the rest of his life in prison, so he should probably get the rules straight now. 

