Love Is Blind's Shaina Shares Her Complicated Emotions On The Show - Exclusive

On the newest season of Netflix's hit reality dating series "Love Is Blind," viewers are introduced to a new group of singles who are looking for their soulmate. Though Season 2 isn't sitting right with fans who wanted to see more diversity in the casting, viewers are already immersed in the love lives of these potential newlyweds. One of the six couples hoping to make their way down the aisle are Kyle and Shaina. The pair started off on shaky ground, as Shaina was essentially caught up at the cross section of two different love triangles (via Cosmopolitan).


Navigating the complex world of dating is difficult enough, but when you add in the pressure of reality television, things become even more convoluted. Throughout the first five episodes of Season 2, viewers are given glimpses into Shaina's emotional journey as she tries to work out how she really feels and what she wants. During an exclusive interview with The List, Shaina candidly discussed her complicated emotions on the show. She openly shared details about her struggles, as well as the lessons she learned about herself both personally and romantically through this experience.

Shaina felt lost during the pod process

During the first few episodes of "Love Is Blind," 30 singles meet in conversation pods where they can speak to each other without ever coming face-to-face. This allows the contestants to get to know one another on a purely emotional level. The hitch to the pod process, though, is that contestants aren't allowed to speak with their friends and family. The hope is that the contestants form opinions of their potential love interests without outside influence, which comes with its benefits and its downfalls.


For Shaina Hurley, navigating the situation without her family was difficult. Speaking with The List, Hurley said, "I think the part that was so hard was that I didn't have my family support. I didn't have my friends back home. ... I kind of felt a little bit lost and blind in the situation ... love is blind!"

She added, "It was hard because you're going back and forth in your own head. And it also makes you realize how much influence there is out in the world. What would happen if there wasn't that much influence in who you're dating? It was rough, though. It was hard because, again, you're making these big time decisions."

Hurley mentioned that she struggled to open up that quickly with her potential love interests, as well as with the other women on the show. Ultimately, though, she learned to lean on her fellow female contestants for support. "But everybody was so supportive. Everyone was great," Hurley said.


She had a tough time working through her feelings for Kyle and Shayne

Shaina Hurley's journey on "Love Is Blind" was slightly more complicated than her fellow contestants. She gets caught up in two love triangles between herself, Shayne, Natalie, and Kyle. Ultimately, Shayne proposes to Natalie, and Kyle proposes to Shaina. Shaina accepts Kyle's proposal, but not without hesitation.


Speaking with The List, Hurley said, "I don't want to be second best either. So, obviously, I'm repressing my true feelings [for Shayne]. And not that Kyle was ... it wasn't like that at all. It was just ... all of it kind of all happened organically, if that makes sense. And so, you just kind of have to be logical, not necessarily put all your emotions into it, which I'm a very emotional person. And so, I'm kind of learning to put a little bit more logic into my decision making."

Even though Hurley tried to be logical, she admitted that at the end of the day, "The heart wants what it wants." She added, "I struggled with this my whole life. I people please, and I sometimes don't stay true to myself and I end up getting burned in the end. And so, it was a process on the show. I definitely was a different person when I first started to when I ended everything."


As for the biggest lesson Hurley learned on the show, "Be more forthright. Be more true to yourself. Don't be afraid to hurt people's feelings. You want to be thoughtful, but I wish I was more forthright from the beginning."

Love Is Blind Season 2 is now available to stream on Netflix.

