How The Feb 16 Full Moon Will Affect You If You're A Cancer

Every full moon brings with it the promise of giving yourself a blank page. While new moons may be all about what you intend to fill that page with, full moons are a powerful time for release and restart. February 16, 2022's full moon comes right after both Valentine's Day and Mercury retrograde — now that's a lot of feelings swirling around. Your emotions may already feel heightened due to this. 


Mind Body Green predict that things are guaranteed to heat up with this full moon in Leo. During the snowiest month of the year, the warm glow of the Snow Moon will provide a guiding light for you to dig deep and find the courage within you to work on some hard-but-necessary self-reflecting. You need to understand exactly what it is that you're releasing if you have any hope of making room for bigger and better. We're only on the second month of the year, and it's an important time to take stock of how well that first month went and how much you stuck to the resolutions you wanted to achieved. Every month is an opportunity to do better, and while this past Mercury Retrograde may have thrown things out of wack, the universe is giving this full moon as a chance to wipe the slate clean and move forward with clarity.


Cancers should prioritize themselves this full moon

Cancers (June 21-July 22) often get a bad rep, but CoStar Astrology clarifies that at their core, Cancers are deeply sensitive and seek comfort in others while also burdening themselves with others problems. Which is why it's especially important to note that according to Nylon, this full moon falls in Cancer's second house of self-worth. This means it's time to release the shackles of putting others first, and focus on what you need to become the best you that you can be. 


Putting yourself first requires a lot of self-reflection. Reflection on how you've been neglecting yourself and what you need to change to prioritize you. The change doesn't only come from within, though. Cosmopolitan explain how this could be a great time for you to seek out new friendships or build on existing ones, you need to surround yourself with positive uplifting people. Instead of questioning how you make others feel, think about how the people you surround yourself make you feel. Often, you can find yourself putting in the work you need to, but still get dragged down by negativity or toxicity surrounding you. Putting you first means setting boundaries and building a positive circle to surround you and fill you with light. 


