The Surprising Reason Dr. Oz Disrupted A Political Caucus

Since announcing his entry into politics, Dr. Mehmet Oz has blended his medical background and public service aspirations in an interesting way. During a recent caucus meeting, Dr. Oz disrupted the proceedings to provide medical care to a man suffering from a seizure. Let's take a look at how it all went down. 


During a scheduled appearance at a Pennsylvania Republican Caucus Meeting on January 29, Dr. Oz put his medical expertise to good use. According to TMZ, an unnamed "member of the state committee" experienced convulsive episodes that may have been a seizure. Fortunately, Dr. Oz was there to help. He reportedly rushed to the man's aide, lowering him to the ground and then moved him outside of the room. While this was happening, the state committee member experienced what appeared to be a seizure, per TMZ. Emergency medical services came and took the man to a nearby hospital and he is reportedly in stable condition. Dr. Oz's quick response likely prevented the situation from being much worse.


While he is no longer a practicing physician, Dr. Oz is a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon, per Distractify, and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He was more than qualified to render help to the committee member and wasted no time doing so. 

Dr. Oz's political aspirations

Dr. Mehmet Oz stopped practicing medicine when he became the health expert on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," per OK! Magazine, and later went on to launch his own show focused on health and wellness. But in November 2021, he announced his plans to run for Senate in Pennsylvania as a Republican candidate, per The New York Times. This is Dr. Oz's first foray into the political sphere and little is known about his platform. However, in a statement issued to The Washington Examiner, Dr. Oz shared that the pandemic played a part in his decision to run for office.


"America should have been the world leader on how to beat the pandemic. Although we had some moments of brilliance, such as the gift to the world of mRNA vaccines made possible by President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed, many great ideas were squashed," he wrote. "That's not the America my parents came to. That's not the one I grew up in. That's not the one I want to leave behind." He stated that the pandemic was mishandled and pointed the finger at "elites" who "closed our parks, shuttered our schools, shut down our businesses and took away our freedom."

Whether or not Dr. Oz goes on to have a career in politics, his presence at the Pennsylvania Republican Caucus Meeting made an important difference. 


