Jimmy Kimmel Discovers A Survey That Might Have Donald Trump Seeing Red

Jimmy Kimmel has never been afraid of discussing politics on his hit late-night talk show "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Some fans of the long-running show have noticed that Kimmel and crew are getting more and more political. From having politician guests like Nancy Pelosi to making jokes at the expense of various members of government. No one has been safe from the wrath of Kimmel's jokes.


While Kimmel isn't afraid to poke fun at politicians, he wishes late-night hosts didn't have to do it so often. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kimmel said, "It's horrible and I think now there's an expectation that late-night talk shows will address these horrible things. I wish we didn't have to but nobody is doing anything about it at all. We seem to forget about these tragedies nationally four days after they happen."

Kimmel continued, "I don't have any thoughts that are new or groundbreaking, and usually, by the time we get on the air there's been 24-48 hours of news coverage to just remind people that 97 percent of Americans believe that we should have background checks for purchases at gun shows and our politicians don't seem to care about what we think anymore."


Former President Donald Trump was often included in Kimmel's jokes. Now, the late-night host has discovered a new survey that may have Trump even more upset about the content of his show.

Jimmy Kimmel poked fun at Donald Trump on his late-night show

Kimmel recently shared a report by Axios that showed that Americans cannot get enough of polarizing politicians. This means that the politicians that have the most hype around them, whether good or bad, get the most online attention and allow them to gain more supporters, and even haters, which can work in their favor, too.


Kimmel included the results of this study during one of his popular opening monologues. According to Huff Post, Kimmel quipped, "Good thing Trump doesn't care about polls and ratings and publicity and stuff like that, because he's six spots behind Ted Cruz." The late-night host added, "He's six spots behind a snowman made of mayonnaise."

Kimmel's joke pokes fun at the fact that, according to the Axios report, Ted Cruz sits at the top of the list when it comes to social media engagement, while Trump is several spots down, below Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene, among others.

