The Truth About Katy Perry's Religious Upbringing

Katy Perry is one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and sex appeal is a major part of her brand. However, in a 2013 interview with NPR, the "I Kissed a Girl" hit-maker expressed regret over wearing squirting cupcake bras and latex outfits in the past. 


"I mean, I've been naked before, but I don't feel like I have to always get naked to be noticed," she said. Clarifying that she wasn't throwing shade at anybody in particular, the pop star reasoned that "sometimes it's nice to play that card but also it's nice to play other cards." 

Perry added: "I know I have that sexy card in my deck but I don't always have to use that card." Although the singer never envisioned herself as a role model, she acknowledged her responsibility to impressionable fans. 

However, while speaking to The Guardian a few years later, she shared that she created the character of Katy Perry "out of protection." 

"I've been upset my whole childhood so I'm going to show the world I am something, that I am going to do something and that I am enough. I didn't want to be Katheryn Hudson," she said, referring to the name her parents gave her. "I hated that, it was too scary for me, so I decided to be someone else." 


As it turns out, Perry's childhood was pretty unconventional.

Katy Perry grew up in a strict fundamentalist household

In an interview with Rolling Stone, via Digital Spy, pop star Katy Perry revealed that, growing up, her parents — who are both evangelical Christian pastors — frequently spoke "in tongues." 

"A lot of religions use meditation or chanting," she said. "It's a secret, direct prayer language to God. My dad speaks in tongues and my mom interprets it. That's their gift." 


Although, these days, Perry is a wild, confident performer, back then, she was unable to say certain words, like "lucky," because it sounds too much "like Lucifer.," she said. Elsewhere, "'devilled' eggs were called 'angeled' eggs," she recalled. 

Perry was also prevented from eating Lucky Charms, though that might have been because of the high sugar content rather than any perceived blasphemy. 

She went even further during a chat with Vogue, describing her childhood as a "bubble beyond the bubble." Perry wasn't allowed to interact with the LGBTQ+ community or even those of different races. 

"My house was church on Sunday morning, church on Sunday night, church on Wednesday evening," she recalled. "You don't celebrate Halloween; Jesus gives you your Christmas presents; we watch Bill O'Reilly on TV. That was my whole childhood and youth and early teens." 


The whole family picketed concerts from Madonna to Marilyn Manson for their supposed satanic influences.

However, the singer remains close with her parents, despite their ideological differences.

