Joe Biden's Latest Gaffe Has People Talking

Well he certainly thinks a lot of his Vice President! President Joe Biden slipped and called his second-in-command, Kamala Harris, "President Harris," while speaking to a group of college students in Atlanta, Georgia this week (via Daily Mail). He suffered the same slip of the tongue last month.


You can watch the viral gaffe on YouTube in a video published by Forbes. It did not appear that Biden realized that he had called Harris "President" in his remarks. Of course, Twitter noticed, and interestingly, many people had a surprising reaction to the leader's flub.

"I'm fully supportive of a future #PresidentHarris," one Twitter user commented. "Uh.... did he just say #PresidentHarris? I mean, it's okay with me," seconded another person, while someone else tweeted, "I like the sound of that! #PresidentHarris." "I'm good with #PresidentHarris," yet another person declared, while another individual opined, "#PresidentHarris does have a fine ring to it."

Of course, not everyone was as excited that Biden didn't realize he'd referred to the Veep as "President Harris."


Plenty of Twitter users don't find President Biden's gaffe inspirational

After President Biden referred to his number two as "President Harris" in a speech for the second time in a month, plenty of Twitter users were excited by the prospect of the first female VP ascending to the top job (via Republic World).


But other users on the social media platform were ready to pounce, with critics weighing in in droves. "#DementiaJoe is confused again. People should call DC's APS and report this obvious elder abuse," tweeted one person, while another observer called the mixup, "pathetic."

"Biden is so Senile, during his speech in Georgia, he just called Kamala #PresidentHarris again," another person slammed the 79-year-old. Another Twitter user took a humorous approach to the flub, tweeting, "Someone needs to tell Joe President Harris is like fetch. Stop trying to make it happen. Fetch is NOT going to happen." The person was of course referring to a line in "Mean Girls." Finally, one more frustrated viewer tweeted, "Our president doesn't even know he's president."


