Britney Spears Can Finally Do This Now That She's Out Of Her Conservatorship

For 14 long years, Britney Spears was in a conservatorship that took away her ability to make her own decisions. Instead, that power went to her father, Jamie Spears, who petitioned the court to have authority over her finances back in 2008. The order stayed in place all the way until last month, when a judge declared the conservatorship was no longer necessary, per The New York Times.


Many, including Spears herself, give credit to the #FreeBritney movement, which was established by the singer's fans, according to NBC News. It looked to spread awareness to the conditions Spears was forced to live under. On the movement, Spears tweeted, "I cried last night for two hours cause my fans are the best and I know it," she gushed. "I feel your hearts and you feel mine ... that much I know is true."

Now that Spears is free from her conservatorship, the "Womanizer" singer can do many things she was unable to. This week, she even did something huge for the first time in over a decade!

Britney Spears can now sign her own estate documents

This week, Britney Spears was granted the power to sign her own estate documents, Variety reported. At a hearing on December 8, a judge granted Spears this right — something she had not been able to do for over a decade. Her lawyer, Matthew Rosengart, shared, "She has the power to do whatever she wants to do." This is the most freedom the singer has had in her adult life.


In addition to being able to sign over these documents, Spears has also celebrated her newfound freedom by getting on the "right medication," sipping champagne, and frequently posting about her happiness post-conservatorship

While the court suspended Jamie of his ability to have any control over Spears' documents, meaning he now has to hand over all he has, he supposedly hasn't done so yet. Rosengart revealed, via Variety, that Spears' father has been uncooperative when it comes to this step in the process.

Rosengart told reporters outside of the courthouse about their plans moving forward with Jamie, who has allegedly "not appear[ed] for his deposition the first time; he did not appear for his deposition a second time, so he has not yet been deposed," the lawyer shared. "But he will be deposed in this case," Rosengart added, noting he is "looking forward" to it.


